It was a relief to hear his voice. “The men who were watching my apartment are here. They’re watching my grandmother’s room.”
“Fuck. Did you tell the guard who’s with you?”
That would have been smart. “I hadn’t even thought about that. I just called you.”
“That’s ok. I tell him, and I’ll get us more backup. I’ll be there in five minutes. Stay where you are.”
“What if they—”
“They won’t get out of the car. They’re there to observe or something would already have happened.”
I kept my eye on the men, but I stayed put like he said. There was no point in having called Ford if I wasn’t going to let him help me.
The minutes seemed to pass as slowly as hours. Finally, Ford appeared at Gran’s door. “How did you get in?” I’d assumed he’d call so I could go to the lobby and register him as a guest.
“I’m not giving away all my secrets.”
“Sometimes a smile and a little cash can do wonders.”
“You bribed the nurses?”
“I helped them feel better about not questioning me.”
Before I could question him, he continued. “The guard who drove you here is moving in from behind the parking lot to take care of the problem. I’m going to watch from the rear entrance in case he needs help. Promise me you’ll stay here.”
“What?” No way in hell was Ford going after those men. “You can’t go out there and—”
“I’ll do what’s necessary to keep you and your Gran safe.”
“Ford, don’t put yourself in danger.”
“I’ll be fine.”
No, he wouldn’t, not if… “The back door is set to alarm if opened.”
He shook his head. “Not anymore. I turned it off.”
“I told you I have a lot of skills you don’t know about.”
“I’m coming with you.”
He sighed, but he didn’t try to stop me. We watched the guard slowly move around parked cars as he approached the men who were watching my Gran’s room.
Police sirens sounded nearby.
“Shit, did someone here call the police?” I asked.
“No, I did. Everything is under control.”
I stared at him. “You control the police too?”
“I told you, Miles has contacts everywhere. This particular problem was one that could be handled easily. However, our contacts can’t solve the whole situation for us.”
The men in the car remained focused on the building as the guard neared their location, but just before he reached them, they noticed his approach.