We’d had a few beers, then Jasper had ordered the whiskey, but I could have said no. He hadn’t pressured me, had he? He’d kept filling my glass, but it had been…nice. Like a date.
Oh fuck. I turned back to the toilet for another round. This time I was sure at least some of my organs had come up with my stomach contents.
“Jesus, how much did you drink?” Worth asked.
My only response was to groan. Finally, I managed to hoist myself back up to my feet.
“You should go back to sleep,” Worth said.
“No. What time is it? I should be at work.”
“I already told Miles you were sick.”
“Oh God, he’s going to ask questions. I don’t need that.”
Worth shook his head. “I’m not going to give him any details.”
“You didn’t tell him I called you last night?”
“I told him you called me because you had food poisoning.”
I didn’t deserve friends like him. “Thanks.”
“You know he’ll find out eventually.”
“Hopefully not until I’ve won this case.” I stumbled toward the stairs, and Worth sighed.
“If you’re not going to go back to sleep, you can tell me exactly what the fuck is going on with Jasper. Do I need to track him down and make it clear to him that he better not mess with you anymore?”
“You’re going to do that? Or are you going to call Carter to do that?”
Worth shrugged. “Same thing, but with less chance of messing up my shoes. They cost a fortune.”
I laughed. “True, but I don’t need either of you to go after him. That would actually make things worse. Jasper is Ms. Jenkins’ lawyer.”
“Oh shit.”
“So that’s why he showed up last night saying he wanted to talk about the case?”
I nodded, then wished I hadn’t when my head threatened to explode.
Worth frowned. “He’s up to something.”
“No doubt.”
“And he got you drunk. Are you sure you didn’t tell him something you shouldn’t?”
“I don’t think I did. It was weird. We talked about the case, and I assured him Miles would never agree to settle. Then we just…talked.”
“Is that a euphemism?”
“No. He’s straight, remember?”
Worth huffed. “I saw the way he was looking at you last night.”
“That wasn’t real. He wants me to think he might be interested because he thinks I’ll be more likely to give in to his demands.”