He’d liked watching me. Did he want more? I would give him whatever he wanted. That thought should have sobered me enough to get the hell out of there, but it didn’t.
I didn’t even think about leaving until I realized we’d nearly finished the whiskey.
Ford slapped his hands on the table and started to stand, then realized he was in a booth and flopped back down on the seat. “That didn’t work.”
I tried to hold back my laugh, but I couldn’t. We both ended up laughing so hard, we were slumped over the table. When we’d finally recovered, Ford said, “I’ve got to go home. I’ve got work tomorrow. Have to…sleep first.”
I didn’t want this night to end. I was genuinely enjoying spending time with him, but he was drunk as hell, and I wasn’t much better. We both needed to head home. “I’ll get you a cab.”
He frowned. “What about you? You need to get home.”
“I don’t live far from here. I’ll walk.”
“We can share a cab.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Not with the way I was feeling. My flirting with him had started to seem far too real.
I grinned at him, and he started laughing. Shit, he was really drunk. “I’m a good boy. I won’t seduce you in the cab.”
Once we were outside, Ford tipped his face up and looked at me with a goofy smile, all I could think about was how beautiful he was. That had to be the whiskey talking. I needed to go back into the bar and find a hot woman who was just as horny as I was. That would solve the problem.
“Whatcha thinking about Jay? You look worried. I thought we were having fun.”
“We were. We are, but you need to get home and get to bed.”
“I’m a little bit drunk.”
I laughed. “More than a little.”
“No, not soooo much.”
I succeeded in flagging down a cab and steered Ford toward the door. He stumbled on the curb and fell against the door. I overbalanced and ended up pressed against him with his body trapped between me and the cab. My breath caught as I looked down at him. His eyes were wide, his lips parted, and I wanted to kiss him so badly. I needed to see how it felt.
I started to lean in but thank fuck a honk from a passing car jolted me back to reality. I jumped back, barely keeping Ford upright.
We were drunk. This wasn’t the time to kiss Ford. I didn’twantto kiss him. I couldn’t.
I managed to reach around him, open the door, and help him into the cab.
“Where to?” the cabbie asked.
When Ford didn’t say anything, I thumped his shoulder. “Tell him your address.”
Ford managed to name his street, then looked back at me and licked his lips. “You sure you don’t want to join me?”
I wasn’t sure about anything right then, but I nodded. “Can you get yourself home okay?”
He nodded. “I’ll be fine. Just lonely.”
I stood there watching as the cab drove away, trying to ignore the way my dick had reacted to having his body pressed against mine.