Jay pulled me to him. When his lips met mine, I could feel all of his love and excitement.
“Thank you so much for this,” he said. “For everything.”
“Thank you for making my life so much brighter.”
“Somebody had to get you away from all those stuffy books and deep dives into legal minutia.”
I huffed. “I went out with my friends plenty.”
“Yes, but….”
“Things are better now. Everything’s better.”
“I’m so excited about our future here and in the city. Your friends like me now, and your grandparents like me well enough.”
“They like you. They’re not going to be effusive about it, but they like you. And your Gran is amazing. Emily, too.”
“She’s so excited about the expansion of her café.”
“I can’t wait to go see her and hear about her vision for it. When it’s all done, we’re going to have a huge celebration.”
“We are, but you know what? I think we should head on inside and have a nice celebration right here.”
“That is a fantastic suggestion.”
* * *