“No guarantees on making it all the way to the bedroom.”

“Then I guess we’d better hope Worth sleeps through it.”

I laughed as I pulled away from the curb.

“Are you okay?” Jay asked. “Did they hurt you?”

“No, I’m only sore from fighting the man who captured me at my house. They kept me tied up in a cell, but they didn’t do anything else to me. I think they knew there was no way they could negotiate with Miles if they damaged me too badly.”

“I still can’t believe all this just happened.”

“Are you okay? This isn’t the sort of thing you see every day. I’m sure it was traumatic.”

“You’re alive, and that makes me okay. I may freak out later, but right now, I just want you.” His thumb caressed the back of my hand, and I drove faster, cursing the traffic around me.

I knew there would still be guards at my house, and they’d probably have a hundred questions, but they weren’t getting answers now, not from me. When Jay and I exited the car, a man who stood by the door started yelling at Jay, but I held up my hand. “Not now. Call Carter. It’s over.”

I walked into my house with Jay right behind me, laughing. “The look on that man’s face….”

“This isn’t the night to fuck with me.” I didn’t slow down. I kept moving toward the stairs as I took Jay’s hand in mine. I saw Worth on the living room couch. He was still sleeping, so we’d deal with him in the morning.

We raced up the stairs. I stumbled once, nearly falling, but Jay caught me and carried me the rest of the way to my room.Our room.

We both immediately started stripping. I knew there was so much to talk about, so much to process about what had just happened and about our future, but right then all I cared about was touching him. I needed his skin against mine. I needed him inside me.

When we were naked, he lifted me again, tossing me down on the bed. He grabbed the lube and slicked himself up. There was no prep, no easing into anything. I spread my legs for him, and he drove inside me. We grasped each other, groaning, desperate. His thrusts were hard and fast, and I loved it. I didn’t want to slow down. I didn’t want to think. I just needed to get off. I needed Jay in every possible way.

Neither of us tried to make anything last. We were wild like animals, kissing, biting, grabbing at each other, then riding out our orgasms together. We collapsed in an exhausted, sticky heap. Eventually Jay rolled off me and pulled me to him. I turned so I could lay my head on his chest.

“Do you want to talk about anything?” I asked.

“Not now. I just want to hold you and to know you’re here, then I want to sleep. We’ll deal with everything tomorrow.”

“Good.” I pressed a kiss against his collarbone. Before long, I was sound asleep.



Iwoke to the sound of my phone ringing. I wanted to ignore it, but when I saw Emily’s number on my screen, I tensed. Not knowing how long we’d be out of the city, I’d asked if there was any way she could return if I paid for her ticket and hotel. She’d arrived yesterday and I hadn’t even talked to her after Ford went missing.

Ford’s arm came around me, and his touch gave me the strength to answer the phone, even though I was afraid she had bad news.

“Emily, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. Gran is wide awake this morning. She’s doing better than she has in days, and she’d like to see you. When do you think you’ll be back?”

Maybe someday I could tell her the real story, but for now, I’d keep it simple. “The case that took me out of town has been resolved out of court. I’ll be there as quickly as I can.”

“That’s great. I’ll let her know.”

When I ended the call, Ford tugged me against him. “What’s up?”

“My grandmother is doing better. She’s awake and alert, and she wants to see me. Would you come with me?”

Ford’s face lit up. “I would love to meet your grandmother and your sister.”

“Thank you. I’ll text Emily and let her know you’re coming too.”