“Okay.” I hated how right he was. I’d always thought of myself as strong and capable, but I didn’t have the skills that they did.
“We’ll get Worth to stay with you,” Carter said.
“He won’t be going with you?”
“Did you meet him?”
I smiled. “I met Ford too, but I didn’t know he was some kind of skilled warrior.”
“Ford has been trained on the shooting range,” Carter said. “He’s a good shot, but he’s not the first person I would send out in the field.”
“And you?” I said turning to Miles.
“I’m better than Ford, but most of my skill is just blustering my way through. Occasionally I even follow Carter’s directions.”
Carter huffed.
When we sat down in Miles’s office, I kept wishing I would wake up and discover this was all a dream. It felt so unreal. When they mentioned a man named Matteo, I could tell there was something there I needed to know.
Reluctantly, Carter explained their connection.
“What if he’s there tonight?” Would Carter be willing to kill him?
“I’m counting on him being there,” Carter said.
I didn’t say anything else. Matteo had betrayed their SEAL platoon. The fact that he’d let Carter escape didn’t change that.
Mostly, I just listened, not even trying to comprehend everything except the location and the main logistics of the plan. I knew I had no business being involved in such a dangerous operation, but I wasn’t sure I could sit on my ass waiting for them to save the man I’d fallen for.
My sister had always said once I decided I wanted something I went all in, and apparently this was no exception.
“Jay?” I turned to look at Carter. “We’re going to have you wait at Ford’s house. Worth is going to stay with you, along with a number of security guards.”
“Why there? You know these men know how to find his house.”
“Yes, but they have no reason to be watching it now, and they won’t expect us to go back to the place where Ford was taken.”
“It’s easier to defend than many other places,” Miles said. “And I have a feeling you weren’t going to agree to a safehouse outside the city.”
“Fuck no.”
“This way you’ll be there when we bring Ford home.”
When, not if. I had to keep thinking that way.
I also knew Ford’s house, and I knew how to get from there to the location where everything would go down. Would I be able to get past the guards if I wanted to leave? I’d have to see what the set up was and if I could stand waiting and wondering what was happening.
* * *
“I need a drink,” I said when Carter and Miles dropped us off at Ford’s house.
“You and me both,” Worth agreed. He walked over to Ford’s wet bar and pulled out a bottle of bourbon that had to have cost a fortune.
“Do you think he’ll mind us opening that?”
Worth shrugged. “He’ll be alive. That’ll be good enough for him tonight. Besides, he can just get more.”
I shook my head. No matter how many times I was confronted with that, I still couldn’t really conceive of the level of wealth Ford had, that all of them had.