Miles took the call, and the color drained from his face as he listened to the person on the other end.

“I’ll contact you within the hour,” he said, then ended the call.

“Who was it?”

“They have Ford, and they want to meet to negotiate. Tonight. Our timeline just got moved up.”

“We have to save him,” I said.

Carter nodded. “We will. Right now, we need to get back to headquarters and come up with a plan. I’m going to make two quick phone calls.”

I barely heard anything Carter said as he spoke into the phone.

Miles placed a hand on my shoulder. “Take your hat.”

“We’re not calling the police, are we?”

Miles shook his head. “No, we’re taking care of this our way.”

“And then what? You just make all the evidence go away?”

He nodded. “You may not like it, but it’s going to keep us all out of jail. You’re in this now.”

I nodded. “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep Ford safe.”


I picked up the hat and squeezed it tightly, which made me want to hold Ford against me.Please let me be able to do that again. I can’t lose him.

Carter ended his call. “I’ve got my guys working on finding us a location, trying to trace their call, and searching for any other clues we can get.” He turned to Miles. “When you call the asshole back, insist he bring Ford. They’ll be no negotiation if you don’t see him alive and well.”

Miles nodded.

“What are you going to do?” I ask.

“We’re going to bring them all together, then we’re going to take them out once we have Ford back.”

“You can’t kill them all of them.”

“If we get rid of the major players, the rest will scatter.”

What would it be like to have that kind of money and power?

As if he read my thoughts, Carter said, “We use it for nicer things too.”

“I’ll have to talk to Ford about that.”

“I’ll make sure you get that chance.”



Back at headquarters, they once again tried to convince me I should go to a safehouse or somewhere with guards, but I refused. “I want to know what the plan is.”

“Fine,” Miles sighed. “You can stay with us while we make plans, but you’re not going with us tonight. Ford would kill me for putting you in that kind of danger.”

Carter nodded. “You are not prepared for the kind of battle we’re walking into.”