I didn’t really think so, but for now I was willing to go with that fantasy. “Okay.”
Neither of us said anything else for a few moments, then I asked, “When did you learn to knit? I’m assuming you didn’t learn to knit from your grandmother.”
Ford laughed. “Hell no. And that’s…not what I expected you to ask.”
“It seemed safer than….”
Ford nodded. “It is.”
I reached for the plate of cheesecake. “You grandmother certainly doesn’t seem like the knitting type. So, who taught you?”
“Eudora Weeks. When I was fresh out of college, she was as much a mother to me and Miles as his mom and my grandmother.”
That was interesting. I needed to meet this woman. I offered Ford a bit of cheesecake before asking, “How did you meet her?”
“Miles has known her as a family friend all his life. He and her daughter were very close.” Ford offered me a bite in return, and I couldn’t help but smile at the memory of us eating cheesecake at the bar on what now seemed like our first date.
“Did they date?”
“Only when it was expedient for them to pretend to date to ward off others.”
I could imagine that happened more than once. “Does Miles knit?”
“No, and he didn’t even know I did for a long time.”
“You wanted to keep your grandmotherish tendencies secret?”
I snorted. “I already read all the time. He didn’t need to know more. Funnily enough, I never thought of it as acting like a grandma, considering my example.”
“What about your maternal grandmother?”
“I never knew her.”
“I’m sorry.”
Ford scooped up the last bit of cake and lifted his fork to my mouth. “As you can see, I’ve done alright.”
“That doesn’t mean things were easy for you.”
“I don’t think they were for you either.”
“Shit. Are we fucking bonding over childhood trauma?”
Ford grimaced. “Let’s not.”
“Will you get in trouble with your grandmother if I stay in your room?”
He glared at me. “I have no intention of letting you out of my sight. What if I need more of you in the night?”
“I thought you didn’t want to fuck in your bedroom.”
Ford smiled. “I’m not sure I care anymore.”
If I could have gotten hard again that fast, I would have. The thought of waking up to him touching me made me dizzy.
“You like that, don’t you?”
I nodded.