“Questions I would ask anyone.”

No doubt that was true. “It doesn’t matter how or where he grew up or who his family is.”

She gave me her best shocked expression. “How can you say such things Ford? If there’s any chance that you and he are—”

“What we are to each other is none of your business.”

“So you admit you are more than colleagues?”

“We’re friends.”

She huffed. “I’m trying to look out for you. That’s what I’ve been trying to do all these years.”

In her mind, I was sure that was exactly what she was doing. “I don’t need your help in choosing my friends, though I appreciate your concern.”

“I know he needs to stay here for his safety, but surely once this is resolved—”

“Once this is resolved, Jay and I will remain friends.”And hopefully more. “Grandmother, I appreciate all you’ve done for me. You know that. I know I’m lucky to have this place to come to where high-level security can be provided, but I could have made other choices.”

“So you’re only going to see me if I decide family doesn’t matter, and you can just be with whomever you like?”

“I can be with whomever I like, and you need to stop making assumptions. Jay graduated at the top of his class from Yale. He is amazing at what he does. Could he beat me in court? I don’t think so, but that’s more to do with matters of personality than anything to do with knowledge. I’ve learned how to remain impassive and cold, like I don’t care. I suppose I have to credit you with that.”

The shock on her face made me hesitate for a moment. Had I actually hurt her? “Ford, that was not a nice thing to—”

“Isn’t that what you wanted to teach me? To not show my emotions, to follow the rules, to follow etiquette?”

“Well, yes, those things are important but—”

“More important than caring? More important than being happy?”

She huffed. “Are you telling me you’re unhappy with where you are in life?”

“Not at all. I have amazing friends. I enjoy my job, and I have the ability to do whatever I want, but Jay has made me happier than I’ve been in a long time.”

“Oh my God. You really care about him, don’t you?”

Was I about to admit something to my grandmother that I hadn’t even admitted to myself and certainly never to Jay? “Yes, I care about him.”

“And you think he feels the same for you? You don’t think he’s not simply after your money?”

“Jay may not be at the same level of society or have the same amount of wealth that we do, but he has plenty of money. He’s hardly in need. He’s a junior partner with Ralston, Smith, and Abercrombie.”

“Yes, that does sound quite respectable.”

“It’s not 1895, Grandmother. We are wealthy. That doesn’t mean I can’t be with whomever I like.”

“You’ve always been so stubborn.”

“That’s not going to change. Where do you think I learned it from?”

She sighed.

“I suppose it’s out of the question that you would apologize to him,” I said.

“What do I have to apologize for?”
