I considered the argument Jay and I had when I’d dragged him away from Miles and Carter earlier. Ultimately, he had let me win. He was going to go to my grandparents’ place with me, even though it clearly bothered him. “He has so far.”
Eudora smiled. “I imagine you’ve made that worth his while.”
“Maybe, but things won’t be the same at my grandparents’ estate.”
Eudora laughed. “No, they certainly won’t, but don’t let your grandmother intimidate you.”
“That’s a tall order. She’ll put Jay in a separate room.”
“Of course she will.”
“I’m not going to introduce him as my boyfriend.”
“What would she do if you did?” Ben asked.
I took a deep breath and let it out. “I really don’t know, but I’m not going to find out that way.”
“Don’t let it be a chance for you to hide,” Eudora said.
I was in deep already. Ben had called that right. I did want to fight for Jay. I wanted him to admit what he was feeling, but if we couldn’t make things work, would I be able to put myself back together this time?
“We’ll be here if things don’t go your way,” Ben said as if he knew what I was thinking. “I might not know you as well as Eudora, but I’ve heard enough from Miles to know how brave you are. You weren’t afraid to be yourself at school, and you shouldn’t be afraid to do what you want now.”
“I was terrified in school, but I refused to let that stop me.”
“Then don’t let it stop you now, no matter what your very well-meaning friends say.”
I needed to hear that.
“And if things don’t work out,” Eudora said. “You’ll survive; you always have.”
“I really don’t want to think about that.”
Ben laid a hand on my arm. “What does your gut tell you?”
I looked from him to Eudora. “That Jay is The One.”
“That’s what mine said about Miles.”
I hugged them both. “Thank you.”
“Any time, and you better keep us posted,” Eudora said.
“I will.”
Ben smiled. “All I’m going to tell Miles is that you really like Jay, and you aren’t going to let him get hurt. It’s your decision if you want to tell him more.”
“Thank you. You’re the best.”
“Now get back to your man.”
I hurried out the door, suddenly very eager to do so.
When I saw Ford’s driver pull out into traffic and head down the street, I walked upstairs. My heart pounded when I reached the door of his bedroom. I knew I shouldn’t snoop, but I’d been thinking about that damn drawer since the first time I’d been in his bathroom. I had to know. If it was so secret, he should lock it up—not that he would expect anyone to be in his bathroom.