I raised my brows. I knew the kind of books she like to read. “Don’t act so innocent.”

“I’m hardly innocent, but I don’t want to know the details of your sex lives. Miles and Ford are like sons to me, and now, so are you, Ben. Don’t make things weird.”

Ben and I both smiled. “I’ll be good,” I said.

“I didn’t ask for that much.”

“Jay was so worried today. The men who want to make sure this lawsuit goes their way came to his grandmother’s care facility. She has a bad case of pneumonia, and Jay’s already scared she won’t make it. He went to visit her, and they must have followed him. Of course, he didn’t bother to call and let me know he was leaving the office.”

Ben and Eudora looked at each other, and I did not like their expressions.


“Whether Jay’s invested or not, you sure are.”

“Why? Because I’m bitching about him?”

“No, because you care.”

I sighed. “That’s my problem, I always care.”

“You always care about things being a certain way, about what you want, about wrapping a relationship up in the proper package.” I started a protest, but I knew Eudora was right. “This is different. I’ve never heard you talk about a man like this.”

“Too bad he’s a straight man who doesn’t even like me.”

“He ran out in front of a gunman to save you, and you think he doesn’t like you?” Ben asked.

“I’m his ticket to safety.”

“Bullshit. Miles would protect him even if something happened to you. You know that, and I’m sure Jay does too. You don’t put yourself in danger, not like that, for someone who doesn’t matter.”

“So maybe he thinks of me as a friend.”

“That’s a step,” Eudora said.

“So what are you saying?”

Eudora glanced at Ben and then back at me. “I’m saying take him to your grandparents’ place. Introduce him to them. Let him see how you deal with that dynamic. Take him to your grandad’s workshop, let Jay meet his dogs.”

“I don’t know if Jay even likes dogs or woodworking.”

“Just see what happens while you’re away.”

“You really think I should give this a chance? You think I should go all in?”

“I think you are already all in,” Ben said. “So you might as well fight for it.”

“Do you want this man?” Eudora asked. “Do you honestly think there could be a chance of something more than fucking between the two of you?”

I nearly choked hearing Eudora use the F word, but I managed to nod. “I know it sounds crazy, and Miles would never believe me, but I do. I can’t really put it into words, but something has shifted between us.”

“You’ve always been one to fight for what you wanted,” Eudora said. “Miles fell for Ben and look where they are now.”

Ben seemed to consider that for a moment. “Miles declared that I was his and basically kidnapped me.”

“That’s not a hell of a lot different than what I’ve done with Jay.”

“And he’s put up with it?” Eudora asked.