Are you sure?

I wasn’t ready to consider any other options. I didn’t think Ford was either. He’d pursued me first, and he’d finally gotten what he wanted. But now there was more between us than just a struggle for power. There had been moments when it felt like something much more tender.

I pushed those thoughts aside and contemplated the reality of being alone in Ford’s house for hours. The chance that I could keep myself from finding out what he was hiding in the bathroom drawer he’d forbidden me to open was almost zero. I had my suspicions, but I needed to know.

When Miles and Carter left, Ford looked at his watch. “I’ve got to finish some work before knitting circle.”

“I can’t believe you can just go from choking a guy unconscious to knitting.”

Ford huffed. “I’m not going to skip knitting just because some asshole got in our fucking way.”

“Damn. Why is that hot?”

Ford grinned. “I have no idea.”

I grabbed his arm as he walked by me. “What if someone comes after you tonight?”

“They’ll be sorry they ever met Eudora. I would bet on her against any assassin.”

I knew of Eudora from her charitable work, and she had a very formidable reputation, but… “Aren’t you putting her at risk?”

“As you heard, Miles’s boyfriend is also in the knitting circle, so I promise there will be plenty of protection there.”

“As protective as Miles is of his friends, I can’t even imagine how he acts with Ben.”

“It’s rather spectacular.”

“You stood up for me against him.” I couldn’t remember when anything had affected me so much.

Ford looked away. “I stood up for myself.”

I sighed. Of course he was going to dismiss it now. “What the hell are we doing?”

“I don’t know, but you’re coming to meet my grandparents.”

“That seems a little premature.”

Ford shrugged. “I’ve met your Gran, more or less.”

“She wasn’t awake.”

“Would you be embarrassed to bring a man to see her?”

“No. I…. What are we right now?”

“Friends with benefits? Enemies with benefits?”

Was that it? “Then why would I meet your family?”

“Because they will keep you safe.”

That was another thing I didn’t understand. “Why would we go there and put them in danger?”

“Don’t you know who my grandfather is?”

Oh shit, what surprise was coming now? “Sorry, I’m not up on your lineage.”

“Should I be hurt that you haven’t stalked me better?”