“You are a big, strong man who can take care of himself?”

“Fuck you. Yes,” he snarled.

“Okay. Then go do that.”

“Jesus, Ford. Nothing about this is normal.”

“Exactly and that’s why you need help, and apparently, dick.”

“Yeah, apparently I do.”

At least he didn’t deny it.



When we walked back out into the living room, Carter was clearly chastising Miles in a low voice. Miles glared at him before they turned to face us.

“I’ll be going with Ford to his grandparents’ estate,” I said.

Miles looked between the two of us. “You’re sure this is the best idea?”

We said “yes” at the same time, and I couldn’t help but smile.

I thought Miles would protest further, but he simply nodded. “I will make the arrangements for you to leave in the morning. Until then, you’re under very tight security. Do not leave the house.”

Ford huffed. “I’m not going to miss knitting circle tonight.”

Miles eyes widened. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

Carter shook his head. “It’s best if you stay here.”

“No, I’m going to go. I’d need to see Eudora before I leave town.”

“Ben is going to be there,” Miles said.

“Or you could try to convince him to stay home,” Ford said. “I’m sure that will go over well.”

Miles scowled. Ford had confided to me that while Miles might think he was in control in the relationship, Ben had him wrapped around his little finger.

“Don’t leave on your own,” Miles ordered. “You’ll need a security escort.”

“That’s fine. I’m happy to have all the security you can spare, but I need to go tonight.”

I frowned at Ford. Why was knitting circle so important? I understood he liked it, and he was close friends with Eudora and the other club members, including Ben, but why would he push this?

“And you’ll be staying here?” Carter asked me.

“Yes.” I didn’t think Ford wanted me going with him, and I wasn’t going to ask to go. I already felt like I was walking on eggshells with the whole situation between us. And the thing was, I didn’t even know what I ultimately wanted from it.

Don’t you?that voice inside me asked.

I knew I wanted to keep fucking Ford, but beyond that? What was there for us?

We might end up on opposite sides of another court case. We might be on the same tennis team, but we lived in different worlds. I knew better than to think I was going to break into his strata of society.

This was just some kind of strange obsession, some sort of early midlife crisis.