“The only situation that needs your assessment is how the hell we’re going to get rid of these enemies we’ve made. This whole thing is a fuck up, and we need to figure out how to put an end to it.”

“I didn’t think things would get this out of control.”

“It would have helped if you’d been honest from the beginning.”

Miles scowled. “I already admitted I fucked up. We’re going to fix it.”

“I have a feeling you’re going to make it worse first.”

“Are you talking about your personal life or the situation with the criminals?”

“Let me make my own mistakes. You’ve sure as hell made plenty of your own.”

Before I could say anything else, Jay climbed the steps from the floor below.

I glared at Miles, daring him to start something.

He ignored me and gave Jay an assessing glance. “Don’t you look comfortable here.”

“I am,” he said. “Very comfortable.”

Miles narrowed his eyes. “Don’t be. As soon as we solve this little problem, you’ll be back to your own apartment and out of Ford’s way.”

“Jesus, Miles,” Carter said. “We’re here to discuss strategy.”

“I’m here to protect a friend.”

“Miles, stop,” I yelled. “I’m not some little princess who needs protecting. I can handle my own business. This isn’t high school anymore.”

“He can definitely handle his business,” Jay said. “I’ve seen him.”

I knew he was referring to me taking out the assailant at the care center, but Miles clearly assumed it was something far more lascivious.

“Keep your hands off him,” he said.

“Get out.” I pointed to the door, but Miles shook his head.

“Can we all stop acting like this is high school? Because there are men out there who want to kill us and I’d like to stop them.”

“Same,” I said.

“Why don’t we all go sit down?” Carter said, gesturing toward my living room.

Jay turned and stomped off in that direction. Carter followed him, but I grabbed Miles’s arm before he could walk away.

“You’ve been a good friend for a long time, and I know you want to protect me, but you’re out of line.”

“I don’t like him. I don’t like the way he looks at you.”

“What if I said that about Ben?”

“Who wouldn’t like Ben?”

“We’re not all going to fall for sweet, innocent young men. I can take care of myself.”

Miles sighed. “I’m worried about you because Jay has manipulated you from the moment you met. I shouldn’t have left you on this case, but let’s go take care of this problem right now.”

I couldn’t imagine Miles having said anything that emotionally insightful before he met Ben. Miles did what he did, and it was up to anyone else to refuse to go along with him. I appreciated that he truly cared and wanted to keep me from getting hurt, but I wasn’t going to walk away from Jay, not yet anyway.