“Yes. I’m in charge now.” I’d held back all I could as he brought me right to the edge and stopped. I was going to take what I needed right then.

“You don’t get to decide that.”

“Yes, I do.” I pushed him down onto the bed and climbed on top of him.

Instead of fighting me, he dropped his legs open and pulled me down for a kiss. There was nothing sweet about it. He bit my lip and drove his tongue into me, but I held his arms down and showed him I was going to have my way.

When I ended the kiss to suck in air, he glared up at me.

“Take your clothes off,” I ordered, sitting up so I could get my shirt off. “I want you all the way naked this time.”

Ford sat up, and I moved off the bed to give him room.

He pulled his sweater over his head and tossed it to the floor. I fumbled with the fastenings of my pants and managed to get them off as he raised his hips to push his pants down. I took off his shoes and socks, then grabbed the hem of his jeans and yanked them off.

When I’d disentangled myself from my shoes and pants, I climbed back between his legs.

He glared at me. “You’re still an asshole.”

“So are you.”

He reached for me, and I stretched out on him, the feel of his naked body against mine was incredible. I noticed he was made of hard muscle, that his legs and chest were hairy, but none of that mattered. It was Ford, and his skin was against mine, and I needed this. I needed to be with him. I’d been sure he was going to push me away in the kitchen. I’d never dreamed I’d ever experience him sucking my cock. I still couldn’t really believe any of this was happening.

After I kissed him breathless again, I pushed up on my arms and looked down at him. His eyes were full of some emotion I couldn’t decode.

“This is so wrong,” he said.

I had no idea how to respond. “Are you telling me to leave?”

“No. I can’t. I’m too horny for you.”

“Then enjoy it. Where’s the lube?” It was a hell of a lot easier to focus on what we knew we wanted than to deal with how fucked up this thing between us was.

He rolled to his side, stuck his hand under the pillow, and pulled out a bottle.

“Keep it handy, do you?”

“Some bastard has been taunting me.”

“Do you think about me while you jerk off?”


I laughed. It was so obvious he was lying. I loved the idea of him in the bed, wrapping his hand around his cock, and thinking about me fucking him. I wondered how long he’d been doing that. Since we first met? And why was that so hot?

I’d acted like I didn’t want him staring at me like he wanted to devour me, but I’d flirted with him anyway. I’d been planning to use that against him. Now I wasn’t sure which of us was using whom. I needed the protection he could offer me, but right that moment I needed his ass even more.

I popped the top of the lube, drizzled some on my cock, then worked it in with my hand. I took my slick fingers and pushed into him. His eyes widened, and his legs dropped open further.

I pumped him a few times, then settled between his legs and teased the rim of his hole with the tip of my cock. “Is this what you want? Is this what you were thinking about all day? Do you want it inside you as much as you want it in your mouth?”

“Are you always this filthy?” he asked.

“I like to talk, and I think you like it too.”

“I do. Just like I like it when you use me, hold me down, tell me what to do, but you can’t always be in charge, Jay. Sometimes you’re going to have to give in to me.”

When I thrust into him, his eyes went wide, and he made a strangled sound. “Now isn’t one of those times.”