“And you don’t?”

“I prefer a quieter life than Miles does.”

“But if you wanted to….”

“When I need to get things done, I do, but I already have a top-notch security team at my disposal. Why would I turn that down?”

I just shook my head. What would it be like to have that level of confidence rather than just putting on the pretense of it? “If I change my behavior patterns, the men who are after me will know something is up.”

“They threatened you. Isn’t it logical that you would make some changes?”

“Buy a gun, get a bodyguard, sure. But move in with you?”

“You’ll put the word out at the office that you’re moving in with your girlfriend.”

“But I don’t have—”

“Does anyone at work know that?”

“No, but these men might.”

“That doesn’t matter if we keep them off your trail.”

“Why are you helping me?”

“I told you, this is partly my fault. Miles’s fault really, but I’m his representative.”

If the beginning of the week hadn’t been as crazy as it was, I would think this was all some kind of elaborate prank, not that Ford seemed like the pranking type. How was this my life now? What would happen next? I felt like I’d been thrust into some kind of crazy movie. “How many security guards does Miles employ?”

“As many as are necessary.”

“And they’re all the best of the best?”

Ford smiled. “Obviously. You’ve already met Carter, he’s Miles’s head of security.”

“He’s former military, isn’t he?”

Ford nodded. “Yes, a Navy SEAL.”

At least I’d been right about one thing. “And Carter has been your friend for a long time?”

“Since ninth grade, and there’s no question of his loyalty. He saved my life when I was fourteen, and I would trust him with it anytime.”

“What about my client? What about the lawsuit?”

“We keep moving forward like nothing’s changed until Miles and Carter work out a plan to solve our problem.”

“And I’m just supposed to trust you.”

“You’re already trusting me not to mention what we did last night.”

“I…. Fuck. When you say they’ll take care of us, how will they keep these men from following me without making it obvious?”

“Someone will arrive to escort you back to my house, and another guard will drive your car to a different location. We’ll also have people in place making sure you aren’t followed.”

“And once I’m at your house?”

“You’ll just have to stay in until you’re picked up for work the next day.”