If only I could get Ford out of my head as easily as I could end a conversation about him. Throughout the morning, I was reminded of him constantly.

Gran wished she felt well enough to knit, and I immediately thought about learning that Ford knitted. He probably expected me to tease him, but in truth, I admired his ability.

Emily offered to read to Gran, and that made me think about how much Ford loved books. The first time we’d met, he’d tried to convince me to read some absurdly pretentious book he was reading. The way he dressed, he looked like he belonged in some nineteenth century manor library filled with books.

He was definitely not my type. Except, somehow, apparently, he was.

Emily could only be in New York for a day, so she stayed with Gran when I left for the office. I talked to Ms. Jenkins to see if she was willing to compromise. I needed her to come out of this happy, but if she would make some concessions, I could at least approach Ford with an offer.

After a long discussion, I managed to convince her to offer Montgomery a different warehouse that was higher in value. Once the meeting ended, I called Ford. I wondered if he would even answer after last night, but I assumed he was too much of a professional not to. He took his work seriously. He seemed to take most everything seriously.

I was such an asshole. I was going to make him think I’d changed my mind about my interest in him, but what else could I do? I needed this win.

You’ll lose any chance you might have with him if you do that.

Then that was how it had to be. Besides, I wasn’t really going to date him, was I? If anything, I’d have a fling, that’s all. Even if I did suddenly want dick, I could have a perfectly enjoyable hookup with someone else.

When Ford answered my call, I said. “I’ve got a new offer to propose. Let’s have dinner.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes. I have a good proposal for a way to resolve this suit.”

“We tried things your way last night. Let’s set up a meeting like two professionals.”

“A dinner meeting is a perfectly reasonable professional engagement.”

“No more whiskey.”

I grinned. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“No alcohol at all, at least not for me.”

I hoped I’d be able to convince him otherwise when we met, but if I had to do this with him sober, so be it. “I’m not going to force you to drink. I’d just like you to hear me out, and I’m sure you need dinner.”

I waited through several moments of silence before he said, “Fine. Text me a time and a restaurant, and I’ll be there.”



Ihoped none of my friends would call to see if I’d recovered from my “illness.” I didn’t want to admit that I was going to dinner with Jay. Worth had said he wouldn’t tell Miles what had happened the night before, but Miles had a way of finding out things he had no business knowing. Worth might not tell him directly, but if Miles sensed something was up, he’d get Carter to investigate. I’d be lucky if I didn’t show up to work in the morning to find the three of them sitting in my office, ready to tear me apart for getting drunk with the enemy.

Tonight wasn’t going to go like that. Tonight I was going to make it clear that I wasn’t negotiating, and I wasn’t settling. I knew how easily we could win this case, and Ms. Jenkins could either give Miles what he wanted, or we could go to court.

I knew how badly Jay needed this win, but I was not going to feel sorry for him. Not when he’d been such a fucking ass to me and not when he was trying to use his charm once again to get me to give him to what he wanted.

He didn’t want to be friends, and he sure as hell didn’t want to be lovers. I had to remind myself of that. Nothing I did was going to change reality.

Pasta, the restaurant Jay had chosen, was only a few blocks away from my place. At least if I needed to leave quickly, I wouldn’t have to wait on a ride.

When I arrived, Jay was at the bar. I watched him for a moment. Even from behind, I would’ve known he was devastatingly handsome. Why the fuck did he still have an effect on me when I knew what he was like? My dick was just never going to learn.

As I walked toward him, he turned around like he’d sensed me. He flipped his hair off his face and gave me a sexy smile. It was all fake. He was just a damn good actor, no matter how real anything had felt the night before.

He rose and gestured toward the dining room. “Our table is ready.”

I just nodded and followed him, not sure I trusted my voice. Once again, I would swear he had chosen everything he was wearing to make me want him even more. His blue sweater was the same color as the polo I loved, and his gray pants cupped his ass, showing it off to perfection. How did he know what I liked?