“You need to stay away from that son of a bitch.”
“No shit.”
“Ford, really. He’s not good for you.”
“I know. Why am I always attracted to the ones I can’t have?”
Worth grinned. “It’s too bad you can’t be like me.”
“Not learn their names and not give a damn? Just fuck them and walk away?”
“Right. Because if you could do that with Jasper….”
“You’re terrible.”
He shrugged. “Yeah. Probably. You should tell Miles about what happened last night. You and Jasper working on the same case has to be a conflict of interest.”
“If I refuse to work with anyone I know, I couldn’t do corporate law anymore.”
“It’s not that you know him, it’s that you’ve got a thing for him.”
“No, I think he’s hot, and I’d like to fuck him.”
Worth raised his brows.
“Fine. I’d like him to be straight and not be an asshole who always come up with ways to act like he’s superior to me.”
“Would you? Really? Or is that part of the fantasy for you, fucking a straight asshole?”
Why did Worth know me so well? I let out a long breath. “I’d like to think better of myself than that.”
“I’m not judging you. It’s okay to have fantasies and to act them out. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
“It’s not okay to want to be with some guy who’s just using me.”
“If you’re using him too, then it is.”
“You know me, Worth. You know that isn’t how it would go, and there definitely is a conflict of interest in sleeping with opposing counsel.”
“Are you sure? Like what if you were married?”
“In my personal moral code, it’s an issue whether it’s a legal one or not.”
“That’s the problem. Your personal moral code is too strict.”
I flipped him off. Had Jay really been looking at me like he was interested? Why would he fake it when I wasn’t paying attention? I bit my lip to keep from asking Worth that question.
“Are you feeling any better now that you’ve got all that alcohol out of your system?” Worth’s words startled me from my thoughts.
I considered the question for a moment. My head was still throbbing, but my stomach was less unsettled. “Maybe. A little.”
“Let me take you to brunch, some eggs and bacon and a little hair of the dog will have you fixed up in no time.”
Before he’d asked, I would have said I couldn’t even think about food, but once Worth made the suggestion, I was suddenly starving. “On one condition.”
“We don’t talk about Jasper.”