“That doesn’t mean you’re boring or have one foot in the grave. It means you’re growing up and appreciate what you have, and that you don’t feel the need to desperately seek adventure at every turn.”

“If you despise me so much, why are you trying to make me feel better about my decisions?”

“I don’t exactly despise you...”

“You did before you got to know me, but it’s not too easy after you spend time with me. I’m a likable guy.” With this, the cocky smile and naturally vibrant personality come right back to the surface.

“When you say things like that, Tyler, it doesn’t make you so likable.”

“Admit it, Olivia — you can’t live without me.”

The problem with his statement is it’s true. In my short amount of time with this man, he’s becoming a necessity. Dang it, I know better than to get attached. That means certain heartbreak.

But what can I do at this point? It isn’t as if I can distance myself from him. He’s a huge client for my firm and I’m a peon who has to do what my boss says. Still, knowing I have no control over the situation makes me feel a little better about myself. Sure, I don’thaveto sleep with my client — but I’d rather not think too much about it.

“You aren’t necessarily bad company,” I concede after an absurdly long silence. Tyler laughs before picking me up and sitting down with me straddling his lap.

“Let’s see if I can get an upgrade togreatcompany,” he tells me.

Before I can reply, he kisses me, knocking all thoughts from my brain other than how much I want him. His lips caress mine, and I voluntarily open to him, the warmth of the fire on my back, the heat from his body engulfing me.

“I can’t get enough of you, Olivia. Even after I have you — several times — I want you again. Tell me it’s the same for you.” His voice is thick and rough. As he speaks, his hips surge up, his jean-clad arousal pushing into me, making me curse the clothes between us.

“Tell me, Olivia,” he commands before gently biting my bottom lip and sliding a hand up the front of my shirt. He cups my breast, and I moan. I wiggle against him with abandon. Why should I care that he knows the power he holds over me while I’m locked in his arms?

“I want you, Tyler,” I gasp. “I want you all the time.”

My reward’s a renewed assault on my lips while he squeezes my nipple through my bra and rolls it between his forefinger and thumb. This time our lovemaking is different. I feel a desperation in his touch, in his possession of me. I feel as if he’s claiming me — heart, body, and soul. And I love it.

He trails his hand down my back, then moves it between us. He unclasps my jeans and slides his hand inside. I push against his fingers as they find my damp center and begin moving in steady circles around the part of me pulsing with the greatest need.

I don’t care that we’re outside, in the open. I don’t care about anything other than what I’m feeling. Satisfaction is coming; he’s building it with brilliant strokes. While his fingers work their magic, he continues caressing my mouth with his lips, and I moan into them. As I reach my peak, I bite down on his bottom lip to keep from screaming and shake in his arms. When the initial waves of pleasure pass, I pull back and look into his burning eyes.

“Your turn,” I whisper, enjoying the jolt of hunger I see in him when I say these words. I begin to slip off his lap when a noise stops me. Tyler hears it at the same time, and locks his hands around my back. The sound grows clearer — footsteps approaching.

“Busy, bro?” I’m mortified when I hear Blake’s voice.

“I thought you were leaving an hour ago,” Tyler growls.

“Got held up at the lodge. We’re just coming out to say goodbye,” Byron pipes in. “We aren’t interrupting anything, are we?”

He knows very well they’re interrupting — his mocking tone makes this more than clear. I’m grateful my clothes are in place. They can’t see my undone jeans or hard nipples pressing against Tyler’s chest.

“No, not interrupting,” I squeak before Tyler counters.

“Yes, you are. Go away.”

“No prob.”

Blake and Byron turn and leave. I’m blushing like wildfire and can’t turn to look at the two men as they retreat. After a few moments I struggle to break free from Tyler’s grasp.

“We’re not finished, are we?”

“I can’t believe I did that out here. I have no earthly idea what I was thinking.” He lets me go. I jump to my feet and straighten my clothes.

“That you can’t think clearly around me is a good thing, Olivia. Most people aren’t lucky enough to have this much passion between them.” Tyler stands and begins pursuing me.

I keep backing away. “I’m a lawyer, for goodness sake, Tyler. I can’t act this way.”