He interrupts me with his patented quirk of the eyebrows. “I’mMr. Astornow?”

“Yes, you are,” I firmly say.

“Hmm. It’s kind of erotic coming from your lips, Olivia.”

Dammit! It seems I can’t say anything without him answering with some sort of sexual innuendo. Hell, this doesn’t even count as innuendo. Too blatant.

“Really, we should get down to business, Mr. Astor. I don’t want to waste your time or money.”

“Get downto business? Nice idea. In any case, I’m not in a hurry,” he tells me. “And I have plenty of money.”

I ignore this. “Why don’t you tell me exactly what you need me for?” The waiter brings our wine and appetizers, briefly interrupting our conversation. When he leaves, Tyler speaks.

“There’s plenty of time for you to figure that out. I’ll say, though, that our work together will last for several months — at least until I don’t find a use for you any longer.” I’m silent for several heartbeats. He’s letting me know in no uncertain terms that we’re playing by his rules now.

“As always, the gentleman,” I tell him. “I’m sure you can easily find a lawyer far more qualified than I am.” I can’t put on a performance for months. No freaking way.

“Youare the woman I want.” I feel trapped. I’m not normally claustrophobic, and the room, though private, is hardly small, but it seems to be closing in on me. This can’t possibly work.

“Until you get your payback, right, Tyler?” I’m so flustered that I used his first name.

He sits back, his head slightly tilted to one side as he gazes at me with something in his eyes I can’t read. Maybe he simply enjoys throwing me off kilter. Maybe, just maybe, if I don’t react, he’ll stop. Maybe.

“Payback? Maybe. Punishment? — that would be a nice idea... if I were into bondage. Hmm...” He pauses as if to consider it, then shakes his head and continues. “No, I don’t need special kinks to get me off.” Tyler lifts his wineglass as if to offer a toast and takes a sip. “I’m enjoying this relationship, I must say.”

“We aren’t in a relationship,” I growl.

“I disagree. I think we’ve been in a relationship since that little episode on my kitchen island,” he says, reaching across the table and taking my hand before I can move it out of the way.

My words become stuck in my throat as he lifts my hand to his lips and begins kissing my palm, then each of my fingers, acting like a lover. Damn if what he’s doing doesn’t feel incredible. Can a person both loathe and desperately desire a man at the same time? It seems a definite possibility. Hell — more than a possibility.

“So you’re bent on destroying me,” I say.

Tyler stops kissing my hand but doesn’t release it. I dig my fingernails into his palm, but at first this has no effect. When he finally lets go, all he does is rise from his chair, move to the seat next to me, and quickly take my hand again. A shudder passes through me when he rests our joined fingers high up on his thigh.

“I don’t know where this game will end for us, Olivia,” he purrs. “But I’ll tell you that my main goal is pleasure — pleasure you owe me. Wewillfinish what we started. And I suspect it will be a hell of a ride.” He leans closer, and his lips are only half an inch from mine. “Kiss me now.” I nearly do exactly this, but stop myself a millimeter before our lips touch.

“I’m not doing this.”

“Youwill, and you’ll enjoy it.”

“You might think I should be flattered that you find me worth your interest, but I’m not flattered in the least. I want no part of this game of yours.”

“Yes, you do, Olivia. I know how much you love playing games,” he says. “And I also know how much you want me. You’re doing a lousy job of hiding it.”

“Look, Tyler. I’m sorry, okay? I should’ve known I couldn’t win. My game was foolish, and I regret it.”

“The game has only just begun, Olivia. You started it, and I’ll finish it. There’s nothing you can do at this point that will cause me to lose interest.”

“I was putting on a show, Tyler. I’m not the girl you met at the bar last month.” I let my hand go limp in his. “That girl doesn’t exist.”

“I can find her again,” he says with a wolfish smile.

I start casting about in my brain for any way to make this guy run off in terror. Then I smile. I’ll simply bore him to death. That can’t be too hard. I’m not as fascinating as he seems to think. I work, spend time with my best friend, then work some more. I devote most weekends to working or volunteering. Piece of cake. Just being myself will drive this man away.

“Do you know the government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition, killing at least ten thousand people?”

Tyler looks at me with confusion. “What are you talking about?”