“Are you confused?” I ask.

“Yeah, a little,” he tells me. He sits up and pulls the blanket over himself. That’s too bad. I’ve been enjoying the view. But, maybe it’s for the best.

“You see, Tyler, I knowexactlywho you are. You’re a spoiled, self-righteous little rich boy who thinks he can have anything he wants. Now that I have you all worked up, you can think about the fact that sometimes evenyouwon’t get everything handed to you on a silver platter. Oh, wait. Maybe you billionaires deal in platinum platters.”

Turning around, I smile in victory. I walk back into the bathroom and almost have the door shut when it’s thrust back open. Tyler looks far from pleased, standing there in all of his naked glory.

“Don’t think for even one second that you can make a comment like that and then walk away,” he says, taking a menacing step toward me. My heart lodges in my throat. This game has taken a turn I didn’t plan on. I expected anger and frustration. I didn’t expect the predatory look I see in his eyes.

“I can do whatever I want, Tyler.” I latch the front of my bra and begin buttoning my shirt. He looks at me as if I have two heads. Maybe I do.

“What in the hell is your deal? For the past month you’ve been playing with me, and now this?” he thunders. “I knew something was up, but didn’t expect such a sucker punch. You weren’t looking at me with disgust while I was devouring you on the kitchen island.” As he says this, he takes a step closer, and my heart pounds. I have to go on the offensive, and fast.

“You have no clue who I am, do you?” I snap, poking him hard in the chest. This question takes him aback. He traces my face with his eyes, but no comprehension sets in.

“Dammit, Olivia, if I slept with you before, I’d remember,” he says. “I’ve had more than a few relationships — I’ll admit that — but I don’t forget women I take to bed. What in the hell have I done to piss you off so badly?”

He isn’t letting me get around him in the bathroom, but he isn’t touching me either. I couldn’t handle that right now. His statement crushes me more than I imagined it would. No, he hasn’t slept with me. He screwed me. And then he tossed me aside and forgot all about me.

“You Astors take and take, and when you’re finished doing that, you leave a wake behind you a mile long without once looking back. This might not have been the best plan in the world, but I wanted to make you feel something like loss — at least once in your life. You’re selfish and hurtful and you deserve to want something you can’t have.” I push against him, trying to get past. Tyler grabs both of my wrists with one hand and holds them above my head as he thrusts me against the wall.

“Explain now.” His voice is deadly calm, which is far worse than if he was yelling.

My voice trembles, but I speak in a rush. “We knew each other, Tyler, but I don’t expect you to have any comprehension of that...”

“When did I know you?” I can see the wheels spinning but nothing’s hitting home.

“It doesn’t matter, but there was a time I cared about you, and you so quickly and easily forgot about me. And when we saw each other again you might as well have thrown me to the wolves. Wait! That’s exactly what you did. The person I once knew — who I thought was kind. He was my whole world. I watched you through the years, seeing all of your exploits in the papers. You don’t care about anyone but yourself. That’s how your family operates. You’re just like your father. He must’ve taught you well!”

Thunder rages in Tyler’s eyes as I continue speaking, but they narrow dangerously when I bring up his dad. That might not have been the best move on my part, but none of my moves tonight have been smooth. Anger has made me lash out. Fear makes me say foolish things. And right now I’m feeling both emotions.

“First of all, tell me how we know each other. If I’ve somehow wronged you, I deserve to know how,” he says, the anger in his voice barely contained. He pauses for a moment. “And secondly, I’m nothing like the evil bastard who gave me life. I won’t tolerate being compared to that man.”

I should stop. I know I should stop, but so many emotions are rushing through me and I can’t seem to keep my mouth shut.

“Really? I disagree. I’ve studied you for years.” I start choking on my words, and stop before reminding him of our onetime friendship. He doesn’t know who I am, and there’s no reason to bring it up.

“I want to know who you are right now.” He’s so commanding, I almost tell him. But somehow I stop myself.

“It doesn’t matter, Tyler. I don’t want to be here anymore. I don’t want to be with you,” I tell him.

“I know more about you than you think.”

“You don’t know anything,” I say, far less calmly than him.

“Want to test it?”

“I want you to unhand me, unless you make a habit of forcing yourself on women,” I say. Tyler instantly releases me and takes a step back.

“Believe me, I don’t need to force myself on anyone,” he says before moving to the bathroom door and holding it open. “You can get the hell out of my house.”

The coldness of his voice sends a shudder down my spine. I don’t say anything more. I skirt around him and run to his kitchen to find my slacks and shoes. I put them on quickly and leave through his front door, shivers wracking my body.

Now what am I supposed to do? He drove me here, and I have no idea where I am. I despairingly trudge to the end of his driveway, which takes a good ten minutes. When I reach the gate, a cab is waiting.

It looks as if Tyler has sent more than one woman from his house this way if he can get a cab here this fast. I scramble inside, give the man my address, and use every power within me to keep from crying. I’ve been downgraded, not to mention degraded. Last time he screwed me, he at least offered me a limo ride home. Now, I’m delegated to a stinky cab. It’s my choice this time, though.

I’ve done what I set out to do. It’s too damn bad I feel like crap about it. Revenge seemed so satisfying when I initially thought it up. Now, it’s leaving me feeling hollow and more alone than I’ve ever felt before.