Her eyes narrow the slightest bit before she masks her expression. “Yeah, I guess boys will be boys,” she tells me.

“What’s going on between us, Olivia?”

“That’s still to be seen,” she says and brushes up against me.

“What do you want from me, I wonder,” I say, trailing my fingers down her cheek.

“Why don’t you stop wondering and give me a kiss before I have to get back to work?” She winds her hands behind my neck and pulls me to her. It doesn’t matter how many times our mouths touch, my body explodes with each brush of our lips.

I’ve never put this much effort into being with a woman. I’ve had a few longer-term relationships, including the one with the woman I was about to propose to, but those started so much simpler, and I definitely bedded all of the others a lot faster than this.

“I want you, Olivia,” I growl, breaking away from her tempting lips. “Tonight.”

She shakes her head, obviously trying to clear her thoughts. I can see she’s as turned on as me. Why is she continuing to stall? Maybe she’s a tease.

“Patience, Tyler. The longer we wait, the better it will be.”

“I’ve waited long enough, Olivia.”

“Then I guess a little while longer won’t kill you,” she says, taking a step back, then several steps more.

“This conversation isn’t finished yet,” I tell her. Reaching down, I untuck my shirt trying to cover the effect she has on me. From the way I’m throbbing, scraping painfully against my jeans, I doubt I’ll manage to be presentable in public anytime soon. The saucy little minx obviously knows it if her grin is any indication.

“Gotta go. See you later.” She turns and practically runs away.

I lean against the tree and take deep, steadying breaths. What I should do is march into her office, bend her over, and take her right there on her desk. No, not my style. I’ll wait... but not much longer.



I smile as I walk down a claustrophobic Seattle sidewalk. I’m in a great mood. The only negative is that I’ve spent a lot of time with Tyler this past month, and I’m getting used to it, getting fond of his phone calls and of having him around.

After his sneak attack in the park last week, I had no choice but to let my guard down. He was growing too suspicious, and my plan will never work if he’s constantly analyzing everything I do. So a couple of days later, when he asked me to dinner, I didn’t hesitate.

The problem was the walk through the park after dinner. I’m getting too comfortable with the man, and he’s making me laugh much too easily without even trying. Can I go on with this? I sincerely hope so. Or maybe I don’t. I stop and stare at the door before me in surprise, and then double-check my phone to make sure this is where I’m supposed to be.

This isn’t the sort of place where a billionaire like Tyler hangs out. But it’s the address he gave me. And the name stenciled on the front window confirms it:Nascosto. It seems to be a bit of a dive, and I’m happy at the thought. Is he human after all?

I walk through the doorway, and find Tyler sitting by the bar with one of his brothers. They both look a little grim. I haven’t wanted to run into any of his brothers. Tyler’s my only target. The more involved I become in this, the harder it will be when the walls come crashing down. Scorn one brother and maybe they won’t care so much, but scorn them all, and certainly they’ll seek revenge of their own.Billionaires are dangerous. They don’t become rich by playing nice.

But I’m not about to wimp out at the first hurdle. Pasting a smile on my lips, I walk up with an air of what I hope to be utter confidence and drape my arm around Tyler. Let his brother think what he wants.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” I say with a rueful glance.

“It’s not a problem,” Tyler replies. “I was talking to my brother.”

“Oh, your brother!” I exclaim, and then wince at my faux enthusiasm. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Then I shock myself when I step forward and give the guy a hug. What in the world am I thinking? My nerves have taken charge and screwed me over.

“What ever happened to handshakes?” remarks Byron, Tyler’s brother.

I’m instantly filled with hurt, and don’t know why. I barely spent time with either Byron or Blake when I was young, but still, it stings that he too has zero recollection of me. I keep my smile firmly in place — I’m not about to let him know his careless comment affected me in the least. I look him directly in the eyes.

“Sorry, I’m impulsive.”

“We’ll leave you to brood, big brother,” Tyler says. He stands, wraps his arm around me, and leads me away. When we get outside, I want to shake his arm off, still feeling the sting of Byron’s rejection, but somehow manage to keep from showing how much the man hurt me.

“I thought we were eating there,” I say when we walk farther down the street.