“Here’s the problem — I can’t get her off my mind. We sent texts back and forth for a week before I finally got her to go to lunch with me. We had a nice time, took a walk, then had a kiss that’s left me hard all week, and now I can’t pin her down for another freaking date.”
“Maybe she’s just messing with you,” Blake says, “and you’re better off to let this one go.”
“I know that!” I’m beyond frustrated. Again I look at my phone. Nothing. Zip. Zilch.
“So why are you storming around your office like a bear?”
“Because I can’t stop thinking about her,” I yell.
“Okay. Then do something about it,” Blake calmly replies.
“What? Kidnap the woman? I don’t even know where she lives.”
“Kidnapping might be a little extreme,” Blake warns. “But I’m sure you have ways of finding out where she is. Find out whether she’s playing games.”
“Oh, believe me, Iknowshe’s playing games,” I say. “I just don’t know what the prize is.”
“Then you’d best figure it out.”
“I have no effing idea what she could be after,” I say. “It’s not as if she’s going to get anything out of me.”
“There are a lot of things a woman can get out of you,” Blake says.
“Only if I’m willing to give them.”
Blake laughs. “It seems you’d be willing to give about anything right now.”
“Yeah, I know. And she has me so damn worked up, I’d just about sell my soul to take her to bed.”
“Then she might have you exactly where she wants you.”
“That’s the thing that pisses me off the most,” I snap.
“Seriously, Tyler, you might want to let this one go.”
“Don’t look at me like that, Blake.”
“Like what, Tyler?”
“Like I’m some pathetic sex-starved idiot.”
“You’re sure as hell acting like one.”
“Well, I’m not. I’m doing fine,” I insist. I freeze when my phone buzzes. I will not look. I will not look.I will not look!
“Dammit!” I’m practically shouting as I lift my phone and look. Blake says nothing.
I’m close to having a mental breakdown, and I’m very aware I should delete this woman. She’s been trouble since the moment I approached her in the bar two weeks ago. Since then my world’s been spinning off its axis. If I’m this consumed with her before we even make it to bed, I’ll most likely be in a hell of a lot more trouble once the deed is done.
Sorry I took so long to reply. I’ve been working.
“That’s it? She takes two hours to get back to me, and she hardly says anything,” I mutter. Thankfully, Blake still remains silent.
Are we on for dinner at the Pink Door?I can keep it short and to the point as well.
The clock ticks as I wait... and wait.
Dinner sounds great. I’ll meet you at 7.