Enough of this. I put aside my personal problems and worries, and get back to work. After an hour, I’m doing okay — I’m not moving as quickly or as efficiently as I should, but I’m gettingsomethingdone. Something other than moaning and groaning about a past that’s over.

When my phone rings just before lunch, I look down and smile. I haven’t spoken with Zach since last Thursday, and I’m missing the guy.

“Good morning, Zach. How is it at the office?”

“Without you, it’s terrible.”

“Is something wrong?”

Zach chortles. “No. Of course not. Hard as it may be to believe, I’m capable of doing my job.”

“Then why in the world are you trying to scare me?”

“I wasn’t. I was trying to let you know that this place will never be the same without you,” he says. “I forget how you can go from point A to point Z in one second flat.”

“I’m ready to get back there. I can only do this job for so long before I go completely insane.”

“Are things any better between you and Byron Astor?”

“I shouldn’t have told you that he’s a pain in my ass. But... yes, they’re fine — pretty much the same,” I lie.

“Okay, McKenzie, keep things to yourself. I’ll try not to be offended,” Zach says with an elaborate sigh and a sniff.

I chuckle. “Quit being so dramatic, Zach. You’d make it big in community theater.”

“Don’t I know it. I’m calling to let you know the accountant you’re filling in for contacted us today,” he says.

“What are you talking about?”

“Remember why you’re there? The head accountant who met with an unfortunate accident? The guy, Norm Dannon, called this morning to let us know he won’t be able to return to Astor Construction. Fallout from the accident and all that. So you’ll need to find someone who can take your place, because if you stay there permanently, our business is going down in flames. Or up in smoke. Or... never mind.”

I pause for a second as Zach’s words sink in. “Why in the world did he phone you?”

“There was a mix-up in communication. He called in to personnel over at Astor and they directed him to our number for some reason. I told him he’d best call them back, but I wanted to give you a heads-up.”

I’m instantly irritated and more than a little suspicious. Does Byron already know about this? Has he been trying to keep it from me? I doubt I’ll get answers even if I do try to talk to him about it.

“Thanks, Zach. I promise I won’t be here much longer.”

“I see you’re on the phone again, McKenzie.” I look up to find Byron standing in my doorway, looking less than pleased.

“I’ll talk with you later, Zach. See you soon,” I say, staring directly into Byron’s eyes as I hang up the phone.

“What do you mean by that, McKenzie?” Byron asks as he comes closer.

I don’t answer. “Did you know Norm isn’t coming back?”

He doesn’t immediately respond, and as always I can’t tell what he’s thinking — the guy’s a master at making his face blank. I wish I could do that so well.

“Yes. I was going to inform you today. I’ve decided to hire Mary to replace him.”

This is what I want, so I don’t understand the sudden sadness creeping through me. There’s no way I’ll allow it to show on my face. Not a chance.

“That’s wonderful. I can tell her right away if you’d like, and get her in here and up to speed within a few days.” I’m speaking as stiffly as he is.

“That won’t be necessary. I’ll have human resources set her up in an office and go over everything. She’s very capable. It won’t take long for her to catch on to the way we operate.” I’m floored since he’s been so unwilling to let me go. Now, he seems like he can’t get rid of me fast enough.

I brightly smile. “That’s wonderful. I’ll box up my stuff and head out,” I say, trying to infuse excitement into my tone.