He’s silent a while longer, and the look he sends me makes chills travel down my spine. He seems to despise me at this moment. I don’t think my heart can possibly break further.

“You sought revenge on me for something I did as a stupid child?”

“I was drinking, and it happened,” I say.

“That’s your only excuse?”

“That wasn’t the only time you hurt me. You did it again when I was nineteen.”

“Come on! I didn’t meet you until we met in that bar a few months ago,” he roars.

“That’s not true!” I yell. Then I stop and take a calming breath. “It doesn’t matter, Tyler. It was a long time ago. I’m sorry. Would you please leave now?” This isn’t getting either of us anywhere.

He thoughtfully looks at me for a moment. “Did you know that when I was a teen I tried to find you, but you no longer lived in that house. Then I went through a period of my life where I was selfish and didn’t think of anyone. By that time, our friendship was long gone.”

“You searched for me?”

“Yes. My best childhood memories are from the time we ran around together, playing until nightfall, and laughing for hours on end. I knew I hurt you. But I was an adolescent boy. An idiot. For you to blame me for almost twenty years for that is wrong.”

“You hurt me,” I defend, feeling foolish.

“So you held onto a grudge and didn’t give me a chance to right a wrong?”

“Are you telling me you don’t hold any grudges, Tyler? You always forgive and forget? I don’t think so.”


I break in again when I get my voice back. “It wasn’t just that,” I say. “I saw you again when I was nineteen.”

His expression still shows me nothing. So I don’t know what he’s thinking about. “And what did I do?”

“I was working at a gentleman’s club as a waitress. I was still a bit gangly and very unsure of myself. You were there with a group of men who were less than gentlemanly, and you... you made me feel about two inches tall.”

“There’s no way...” he insists.

“You lured me into your limo and fed me a couple of drinks. We had sex that night, Tyler. It was the first time for me. And you immediately walked away when it was finished.” Silence greets this statement. I’m holding my breath as I wait for even a moment of recognition.

“I’d remember that...” He isn’t sounding as sure now.

“Then maybe I’m making the entire thing up so I can guilt you into giving me fifty percent of everything you have.”

I say these words coldly, hoping I’ll make him walk away. I can’t do this anymore, can’t even stand to look at the man, let alone talk to him. Every insecurity I’ve ever had is rising to the surface, and it’s painful... as I knew it would be.

“Yeah, maybe you are,” he says before looking at the exit like it’s an open door to the nearest chocolate factory. “If you have anything else to say, now would be the time.”

“I guess I do have something to say,” I tell him, smiling as sweetly as possible. “Go straight to hell and never come back.”

He looks at the floor and then at the ceiling, but doesn’t look at me again. And he’s once again walking out on me. I’m used to seeing his back, so I don’t know why it’s breaking my heart into a million pieces.

No. That isn’t true. I know exactly what’s happening. It’s what I knew would happen from the moment I decided to have sex with him again. He’s leaving with a part of me as his own personal souvenir.

I close my eyes and count to a hundred, cutting off the last tears I’m going to allow myself to cry over Tyler Astor. I knew he’d end up with my heart — he’s always had it. I’m actually amazed he left me with anything, especially with his child. I’ll survive. I’ll be okay. This had to happen. Now I can finally heal. Now I know who he truly is.



I gaze out my office window and sigh in frustration. It’s been a month since I walked away from that hospital room, a month since I’ve seen Olivia. I’ve been telling myself I’m better off, that she’s a liar and she played me.