I almost call my brothers. Almost ask for their advice. But I don’t want them to know about this, don’t want them to see what this woman has done to me. They already know I’m obsessed with her. To add this icing on the cake is unacceptable — they’ll never let me forget it.

Nothing lasts forever. Didn’t I learn that at a young age? My parents were worthless. They screwed up my brothers for years. I only escaped that fate because I was too young to understand at the time what was happening.

Bill and Vivian stepped in and offered a great example to us of what good people are all about, but one couple doesn’t change what a person sees all around them.

Dammit! If only a Magic 8 Ball really worked, I could find one, shake it, and have all of the answers I need. Hell, with my luck, I’d probably getBetter not tell you now.Finally, Olivia has a room. I immediately seek her out.

“Are you okay?” I stop at the side of her bed.

“I’m fine. You should’ve left. There’s no reason for you to wait for over an hour.”

“You ran into me in the hallway and you’re hurt, Olivia. I wasn’t leaving.” My voice is filled with exasperation.

“You’re not helping my blood pressure by snapping at me,” she says, staring daggers at me.

“Are you going to tell me about this baby?”

Her skin grows even paler, though I didn’t think that possible. I want to take the words back. She’s obviously injured, or the physician wouldn’t have admitted her for an overnight stay. Maybe I should give her space.

“I was going to tell you about the baby tonight, Tyler. I’ve known for a couple of weeks but it wasn’t yet confirmed.”

“What exactly were you planning to tell me tonight?”

I can’t seem to back off. There are so many emotions running through me, and rage is the one closest to the surface. Why has she ruined this thing, whatever it is, that we have between us?

She looks away from me, and my rage somehow intensifies. How in the hell can I read her expression if she won’t make eye contact? She seems to do this a lot. Showing a gentleness I didn’t think possible in this moment, I place my hand beneath her chin and raise her face so she has no choice but to look at me.

“I’m owed an explanation, Olivia.”

“I don’t owe you anything, Tyler,” she says, a hitch in her voice.

“So did you go straight from lying beneath me, from screaming out my name, to fucking another man?” This question makes her eyes blaze with anger. She thrusts my hand away from her.

“You’re disgusting, Tyler. I want you out of my room,” she snaps. The monitors at the side of her bed begin beeping. “And I want you out of my life.” I lean down, my own temper high. I wait until I have her full attention.

“I’ll get answers, Olivia. Don’t doubt it for a second. I’m neither weak nor pathetic, and I don’t like anyone making a fool of me.”

“Sir, you need to move out of the way. I have to check on my patient.” A very irritated nurse moves to my side and pushes me back. I could resist, but I’m not in the mood to fight with the hospital staff.

“I’ll be back.” Great. I’m now using dialogue fromThe Terminator. With this, I storm out of the room. I need a strong drink. Or three. I need to be anywhere but in this hospital. I’m a mess and I’m not sure I’ll ever be whole again.



Crying myself to sleep wasn’t a good idea, because I wake up to a marching band in my head, and it’s breaking every noise regulation in Seattle. Pain radiates from me in waves, and I can’t prevent a whimper from escaping. There’s no way I’m opening my eyes. I feel around for the call button. Medicine. I need painkillersstat.

“What do you need, Olivia?”

My pain ratchets up another notch at the sound of Tyler’s voice. He’s the reason my head’s pounding and my ankle’s throbbing. This is definitely not the first thing I want to hear this morning. Until yesterday, I’d quite enjoyed waking up to his resonant voice.

I should’ve called Piper. If I had, my friend would’ve stayed by my side all night and not let Tyler into my room. She would’ve attacked if he tried to get past her. That’s what best friends do. She might’ve let him in before, but if she knows I’m truly hurting, knows I need space she will defend me to the death. We will do that for each other.

“Does your head ache?”

“Yes,” I murmur.

“I’ll shut the blinds so it won’t hurt you to open your eyes.”