“Last time I checked, you’re human too. Enjoy the thrill. Enjoy letting go.” I bump into something and realize it’s the wall of a cabin.

Tyler boxes me in against the wall. “I’m living a full life,” I pant, unable to focus with him this close.

“Prove it,” he tells me with a wicked smile.

I should turn and walk away, knowing very well that Tyler threatens my sanity. But he’s right. There’s a thrill in doing the unexpected, of being on a constant high. Without another word, I drop to my knees in front of him, and with shaking fingers undo his jeans. My desire outweighs my fear of getting caught with my pants down — or, more accurately with Tyler’s pants down.

By the time we’re done, I’m very satisfied. I’ve most certainly proven I can bring him as much pleasure as he brings me, and it’s a thrill I’m surprised to feel.



I love summer and really love markets full of great things. I shop every outdoor market I can find when the weather warms. Even if I don’t need anything.

“Okay, this took some major digging, so you know you owe me big-time, right?” Piper asks as we walk between vendors.

“It’s almost not worth the information,” I tell her. “You’re going to draw this out as long as you can for your own sick enjoyment.”

“I’m hurt — no, I’m devastated — that you’d think such a thing,” Piper says, a big Cheshire cat smile on her lips.

“Spit it out, Piper. Seriously, it’s been a long week, and I’m worn out.”

“Maybe that’s from all of the sex you’ve been sneaking in,” Piper tells me. “The sex you think you’re being so discreet about.”

I stop what I’m doing and turn toward my friend in shock. “How in the world do you know?”

“Oh, come on, Olivia. A woman doesn’t glow the way you’re glowing unless she’s getting sex. And not just any sex, but the sort of sex that rocks your body for days to come. And I’m not using the wordcomelightly. I’d almost kill to get that in my life right now,” Piper says with a melodramatic sigh.

“Okay, fine, I’ve had sex with Tyler, and, yes, it’s good.” Why haven’t I told my best friend about this?

“And you’re waiting for my judgment, right?” Piper asks.

“Yeah. I complained about him for weeks then all of a sudden I’m doing it in every position known to man. Well, maybe noteveryposition. I was embarrassed to tell you about it,” I admit.

“You know I’d never judge you, never be anything but here for you,” Piper tells me. “So don’t hold out on me again.”

“Fine. I won’t. Now tell me this mysterious information you’ve discovered.”

“As much as I enjoy holding out, this is too good not to share. It appears your fantastic lover,” Piper says with a long-suffering sigh before continuing, “is also quite the humanitarian. It’s a bit disgusting if you ask me.”

“I don’t follow,” I say. “What does that mean?”

“It means that he serves in Third World countries, taking medicine and food to the needy. He has multiple projects going on here in Seattle, not only donating funds but also working with his own hands — we’re talking hammers, nails, and more. Sweat equity. He builds houses, volunteers at shelters, and even coaches a baseball team of disadvantaged kids.”

“What do you mean disadvantaged kids?” I ask.

“All of this info and that’s what you focus on?” Piper asks.

“One thing at a time,” I say.

“He has a baseball team of kids from eight to ten who are in the foster-care system.”

I don’t know how to process this information. How can I keep distance from a man who volunteers far more than I do and seems to love the same causes I do? Especially when this man is also one hell of a lover?

“How did you find this out?”

“I told you it took a lot of digging. But I managed to get chummy with his secretary last night at the bar,” Piper says. “Yes, I stalked her a bit. If this guy is seeing my best friend, I want to know more about him. But I did that because I was able to do some research through an old friend who works for human services. Tyler doesn’t allow his name to be used in the media for his good deeds, and to keep him out of it is no small task, but I think the guy honestly does this stuff because he loves to. It’s clearly not a publicity stunt, and not simply a tax write-off. This man might actually be a decent guy.”