‘Get the hell out of my way,’ he snarled when one brave soul attempted to approach.
But even as he staggered out of the building and attempted not to bellow his agony, he knew the totality of the anger and guilt he felt was directed at himself. Just as he knew should anything happen to his wife, he would never be the same.
The swim up to consciousness was long and terribly unpleasant.
Genie knew something awaited her. Something that would set her back months,years, throw her back to the place she feared and detested most.
Loneliness. Desolation. Despair.
And this time, it would be a million times worse. Because now she knew the difference between pure love and parental indifference and selfishness. She’d scaled the ultimate high. Now she was heading for the darkest low.
The machines continued to beep, diligently dragging her from the shadows, beep by beep into the light of false hope.
‘Turn it off,’ she mumbled, as if by the sheer act of speaking the words, she’d get her wish and return to sweet oblivion.
But when had any wish of hers been truly granted? She’d believed in a false fairy tale with nothing but disappointment on the last page.
A sob caught in her throat. A rough sound echoed in the room.
It took several moments to realise the other noise didn’t come from her.
No. He was busy turninghisdream into reality. He’d plotted his fairy tale with no mistakes or flaws. Unlike her.
‘Dios mio, mi amor.Don’t cry.’ The far too familiar voice, deep and low, last heard whispering incredibly sensual words in her ear as he made her soar with bliss.
Blissed out and ignorant.
‘Don’t tell me what to do,’ she mumbled around a constricted throat. ‘You should leave. I don’t want you here.’
Another sound, much like jagged anguish, echoed again. ‘Open your eyes, Genie.’
The punch of steely authority almost made her chuckle. Which was the height of absurdity. Maybe they’d given her meds that were making her delirious.
Would they though, considering she was...?
Her baby!
Her hand launched off the bed, another sob crowding her throat when she touched the hard, full swell of her belly, more tears, this time of relief, pouring from beneath her eyelids.
‘The baby is fine,pequeña. Healthy and doing well. But please. Open your eyes. Let me see that you’re okay.’ One warm hand gripped the hand not on her belly.
She snatched it away. ‘I’m not okay. But that’s none of your business. Not any more. Go away.’
More sounds that were a weird mix of aggravation and misery drifted low over her ravaged senses.
Seve was there, yes, but perhaps the sounds were from Lita?
The old woman must be distressed by the possibility of her great-grandchild in distress. Genie wanted to open her eyes and reassure her but she was terrified because Seve was here, too. Even now, through the beeping and desolation and utter hopelessness, her awareness of him was insane.
She wasn’t ready to face what the rest of her life looked like. Not yet. Maybe her instincts had been safeguarding her from this by keeping her unconscious. Because the sharpness of the agony was unbearable.
So she turned her head away.
The baby was fine. Somehow, she believed Seve when he saidthat.
Everything else, she would deal with...later.