“Does he use all of those?”
“Nope, but I do,” Justin said happily as he unwrapped aluminum foil from one of the dishes they’d brought. He was a lot less intimidating looking when he was cheerful and preparing food, Angel decided. It made him look a lot more like Chris in fact. “I’m going to sprinkle some of his truffle oil on this and stick it in the oven... I’ve got a couple other things to do and then I’ll come join you guys.”
She was going to ask where, but she followed the rest of the group out into the hall and down a staircase that had been hiding behind a door. Adam’s basement was split into two rooms, the first of which was obviously a group entertainment room. If she’d thought the television upstairs had been big, this one was gigantic. There was a split section couch arranged in a U shape in front of it for people to sit on. Next to the television were several different gaming systems, to her surprise he still had the regular X-box and a PS2 rather than the more updated consoles.
The entertainment center was filled with DVDs, but there were also two rows of video games.
“Wanna play something?” a deep voice behind her asked, and she looked up into Chris’ laughing brown eyes. “He’s got a bunch of different kinds of games. Something for everyone, really.”
“I noticed,” she murmured. They were arranged in alphabetical order too, which she liked. It made things so much easier. There were a couple of her favorites, but she should choose a game more than one person could play...
Her finger lingered on one. Blinking innocently, she let her eyes go as wide as possible as she pulled it from the shelf and looked back up at Chris. “How about this one?”
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO, NooooOOOOOO!”
“Fuck! You little bitch!” Patrick’s voice bellowed, drowning out Angel’s ‘no’s.
It was the first thing Adam heard when he walked in the front door, echoing up from the basement and he bolted for the stairs, Olivia hot on his heels.
“Suck it, asshole!” Angel crowed.
“Damn it, not again!”
Adam came to a grinding halt halfway down the stairs when the room finally came into view and he realized why he wasn’t hearing anyone but Angel and Patrick. The rest of them were in tears, gulping for air because they were laughing so hard. Chris was on the floor, holding his belly, while Lexie, Hilary, and Jessica were hugging each other on the couch, trying to keep from following Chris to the floor as they writhed with hilarity.
Liam and Angel were sitting next to each other on the couch with a space separating them from Patrick and Justin. She was flushed, the sleeves of her sweater pushed up, and he could see the curves of her breasts from the deep V of her neckline. She looked beautiful and excited, not frightened or angry.
“Yes!” Angel jumped into the air, pumping one fist.
“Watch out behind you,” Liam warned. He was grinning, but most of his focus was on the screen and front of him and the controller in his hand.
“Don’t help her, she doesn’t need it,” Justin snapped grimly as Angel, still standing, took the controller back in both hands, muttering under her breath.
“Your loss, she’s on my team,” Liam chortled.
Not one of them looked up to where Adam and Olivia stood, panting and gaping on the stairs.
Patrick growled and leaned forward, looking almost as grim as Justin. “I’m back in.”
“Not for long...” Angel said tauntingly.
“I just got back—no...Crap! Fuck! How did you do that?!”
Angel laughed maniacally.
Making his way down the stairs, Adam could finally see what they were playing. Halo. And from the stats listed on Patrick’s screen as it counted down the time until his character came back to life, Angel was dominating it by a large margin.
“You!” Adam looked over to see Patrick glaring at him. “This is all your fault!”
Lexie fell off the couch onto the floor, tears streaming down her face as Jessica and Hilary both made ‘Oh no!’ noises through their giggles and reached for her.
“I can’t...” Lexie gasped, batting away their hands. “I can’t... oh God, it’s too good.”
“Hi!” Angel said cheerfully, giving him a wave before turning her attention back to the screen. “Hey, Justin... I seeeeeeeeee you... oh wait... no, come back here!”