Page 63 of Entering Stronghold

“Good.” His voice lowered as he pulled her close for a moment, his lips next to her ear. “I’m sorry we don’t have time now, but I fully intend to take care of you later.”

She had a stupid, silly grin she couldn’t wipe off her face as they gathered up the fabric and went back upstairs to join the rest of the helpers.



The upstairs of the club had been completely transformed by the time Angel and Adam came back up from the Dungeon. Clearly, Lexie had focused most of her decorating efforts there. Hearts dangled from the ceiling of the bar, their ends brushing the top of Andrew’s head as he moved around behind it, more hearts and streamers came down from the ceiling over the dance floor, and red and pink gels had been inserted into the lights to give the room a rosy glow. The stage was clear except for a spanking bench which had been set up in the middle of it.

“Patrick’s doing a spanking demonstration tomorrow night for the party,” Adam said, seeing where Angel was looking. He grinned, his fingers slowly massaging the small of her back in a way that made her want to melt. “Turning lots of heart-shaped objects nice and pink.”

Angel laughed. “Sounds like fun.”

“You won’t need him to do that for you,” Adam said firmly, steering her over to where the rest of the helpers had gathered.

Andrew was coming out from behind the bar to join them as well. Patrick and Lexie were standing on opposite sides of the table with Olivia and several others, all chatting. Angel had met all of them, although she’d spent a lot more time with the friends who weren’t there. While she would have gone to the side closest to them, which would have put her and Adam between Will and Rick, she was a little surprised to find herself led around to the opposite side of the table and placed between Olivia and Mistress Lisa instead, with Adam standing behind her.

Which of course meant she couldn’t twist around to see his expression without being totally obvious. She knew Doms were supposed to be kind of possessive, so did that mean Adam considered her to be his? Or was it a post-scene kind of possessiveness? At some point she was going to have to let him know she would like to see him for more than club scenes, but this obviously wasn’t the time.

“Just in time, we were about to have a celebration drink,” Rick said, grinning as Andrew put a tray full of shot glasses down on the center of the table. His eyes flicked over Angel’s flushed face and she wondered if he could tell what she and Adam had been doing down in the Dungeon. Immediately her face heated even more. Behind her Adam shifted closer, his hand on her hip and she really wished she could see his expression. “I got an official job offer at Westwood High School and as of this summer I’ll be moving up to this area!”

Everyone cheered, although it was obvious they’d already heard this and it was being repeated for Adam and Angel’s benefit. Angel chatted with Lexie and Karen, Mistress Lisa’s submissive, while Rick and Adam talked about places Rick was thinking about living. Karen seemed interested in the self-defense classes too, which ended up pulling the mistresses into their conversation.

It ended up being a great way to finish the evening, with no awkwardness possible between her and Adam, because there were too many other people to talk to. Although she kind of wished they could have gotten a private word, she wasn’t sure what she would say.

Hey, I like you, can we date outside the club?

After all, wasn’t a Dom supposed to make the first move? From what she’d read, it seemed like the submissive always had the option to end the relationship if they didn’t like the direction the Dom was headed in, but the Dom kind of led the way. Maybe she should wait and see what Adam said.

He walked both her and Lexie to their cars, which were next to each other in the parking lot, giving the younger woman a kiss on the forehead and Angel a kiss on the cheek right next to her mouth. If she’d turned her head a little bit their lips would have pressed together. But she wasn’t going to push it.

“See you tomorrow,” he murmured, and then he was gone. Angel sighed. Tomorrow couldn’t come too soon.


The club was packed. Adam kind of hated to say it, but it looked like Lexie’s theme party was inspired. Truthfully, none of them had thought the club would be any busier than a normal Valentine’s Day, but with it decorated and the party advertised to the members, it seemed like a lot of people had changed their plans from previous years. Lexie had been right, and Patrick had been wrong.

Maybe that was why the big man was looking so grumpy. Or maybe it was because he was watching Lexie and her boyfriend Trevor on the dance floor. Her boyfriend who was obviously staring at the other women in various states of undress. Either Lexie didn’t notice, or she wasn’t bothered by it, but Patrick and her other self-declared big brothers definitely had and definitely were.

Adam couldn’t entirely blame the kid, these were obviously not the surroundings he was used to and there were a lot of things to stare at for a young man, but he didn’t like how the kid was doing it while he was hanging all over Lexie. Or what ideas he might be getting. Yeah, he was going to be keeping an eye on that.

Olivia had volunteered to be Dungeon Monitor tonight so she was currently out of sight, but Hilary and Liam were on the dance floor nearby, and he could tell Liam was watching Trevor and Lexie too. Andrew was behind the bar, keeping an eye on the alcohol intake of everyone.

Adam grimaced. He wouldn’t be able to leave the floor to go play with Angel either without feeling guilty and worrying in the back of his head about what might be happening up here. Not that Angel was here yet. It hadn’t taken him very long to scan the room twice, to make sure, even though he’d asked Jared when he came in.

It didn’t bode well that the big man was here rather than out with Marissa, especially since Jared hadn’t been around at all last weekend. But the stoic, blank look on Jared’s face had kept Adam from asking any questions. Adam felt a bad. He’d been so wrapped up in what was going on with Angel, he hadn’t even noticed until now that Jared hadn’t been around the past couple of weeks.

He’d have to make it up to the big guy later.

“You know, you look like one of those things Lexie’s always calling us,” Adam said, coming up beside Patrick. The man’s heavy arms were crossed over his chest and he was glaring at the dance floor. More specifically, at one particular couple on the dance floor. Adam hoped the submissives who offered up their bottoms for Patrick’s spanking demonstration liked a good, hard spanking because it didn’t look like the owner was in the mood to go gentle.


“Yeah, that’s the one.”

“I can’t believe I let her in the club.”

There was a long silence as the pounding beat of the music throbbed. Lexie laughed, her head tipping backwards as Trevor spun her around. He wasn’t a bad looking kid. Black hair, dark eyes, naturally tanned skin with a bit of an olive tint to it, the kind of muscles a guy who played sports would have, but Adam didn’t miss the way Lexie’s eyes still constantly veered over to where Patrick was standing. She might have been checking to see if she was still being watched, but it didn’t look like she cared who else might be watching her other than Patrick.