One blonde eyebrow lifted, questioning not only her no but also her judgment in saying it to him. Damn, she wished she could do that, but her eyebrows never cooperated.
“I want... I want more,” she said, a little unsteadily but firmly.
The eyebrow lowered as he studied her expression. “You want a scene?”
Now it was her turn to hesitate. She licked her lips. “I want to... do something for you. The past two scenes have been all about me, I want to know you’re enjoying yourself as well.”
“Trust me, I enjoyed myself,” he said, chuckling. Fingers pressed into her back, traveling up her spine and she would have melted against him if she hadn’t been so set on getting her way with this.
The balance of their two times together had been sadly out of whack as far as she was concerned. After all, wasn’t a Dom supposed to be the one taking his pleasure? And yet he hadn’t once. Maybe it was because he wasn’t interested in her in that way, although the stiff length still pressing against her body seemed to indicate otherwise.
Still, maybe she should give him an out. Maybe there was another reason.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to,” she muttered. “It was just an idea.”
Perhaps a bad one, but Angel liked to be honest about what she wanted. Especially considering how her acquaintance with him had started off. And right now she wanted him. She’d wanted him the last two times they’d scened together but the last time she’d begged and he hadn’t given in. Maybe this was a bad idea.
That conclusion seemed even more justified as he released her and stepped back. She immediately felt cold without him pressed against her.
“Take off your shirt.”
“What?” Startled, she looked up at his face. She’d been steeling herself for pretending his rejection didn’t matter, for acting like everything was okay even though he was turning her down. The last thing she’d expected was an order to remove her shirt.
A small smile played on his lips. Almost teasing. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
Having her own words thrown back at her so unexpectedly made Angel smile a little too. For a moment she hesitated... but it wasn’t like he hadn’t seen her butt naked before. She pulled her shirt over her head.
The bra she was wearing was one of her favorites, royal blue with a little bit of soft cotton sky blue lacy edging along the top of the cups. It wasn’t the sexiest bra she owned, but she loved the way the blue looked against her skin tone, and it didn’t look like he minded it wasn’t lacy or see-through.
“Take off the bra and get on your knees.”
That shouldn’t make her as hot as it did. If any of her previous boyfriends had said something like that to her she probably would have found it derogatory or disrespectful. But when Master Adam said it, she felt desirable and eager to please.
As her shaky fingers unclipped the bra, she realized she’d very quickly and easily transitioned to thinking of him as Master Adam when she’d been thinking of him by his first name only for the entire evening before this moment. Was it because they were about to go into a scene? And was it something she did herself in her head, or had he influenced her thinking?
“Beautiful,” he murmured as she carefully knelt down, trying to be as graceful as she could. It wasn’t something she was practiced at, but her dance training helped a lot. “Play with those pretty breasts for me, Angel.”
Heat flushed her entire body as she cupped her breasts and squeezed them, watching Master Adam watching her. This was not something she’d done before. It was uncomfortable, unnerving and so damned erotic she was creaming her panties.
“Pinch your nipples.”
Holy hell. Angel mewled as the spike of pain and pleasure went straight down to her pussy. She sometimes played with her breasts before masturbating, but rarely, and it never felt like this when she did it. Was it because Master Adam was watching? Or because he’d told her to do so in the first place?
“What’s your color, sweetheart?”
“Green... Green and impatient, Sir,” she said, a little impudently. She knew she was risking being punished, but it was true. To her relief he chuckled again.
“We’re not having sex tonight, Angel.”
“We’re not?” Dammit, she sounded almost wistful. If he didn’t want to have sex with her then she wasn’t going to beg for it. Of course, if he did want to maybe he wanted to hear her beg...
Big hazel eyes gazed up at him and he wondered if she knew how pleasing and tempting she looked. Her breasts were gorgeous, filling her hands completely as she rolled her darkening nipples between her fingertips. Those pouty lips were slightly parted, her skin flushed with arousal and pleasure, and he knew very well that she would have sex with him right now if he wanted it.
And it wasn’t that he didn’t.
He wasn’t going to rush things. Not between them when it came to furthering their relationship or the first time they had sex. Right now he had no idea what she wanted. It was possible that, like a good submissive, she wanted to know she had pleased the man who had Dommed her during two intense scenes. Or it was possible she was as attracted to him as he was to her and she was thinking along the same lines as he was when it came to furthering a relationship.