Page 51 of Entering Stronghold

“Umm... I can try?”

He chuckled. “You don’t sound very sure of yourself.”

“I’m not sure I could have held myself in place last time, if it hadn’t been for the restraints,” she admitted.

There it was again, the honesty that made him want to trust her, despite her original deception. Since coming to Stronghold, as far as he could tell, she’d been completely honest the whole time. The least he could do was return the favor, so he grinned, wickedly, and saw her short, sharp intake of breath.

“Well then since my preference is for full restraints...”

Kneeling for a moment, he pulled her legs apart as far as he wanted them, cuffing her ankles so she was open but not entirely exposed. Even so, from his position at her feet he could see right up into the lips of her pretty pink pussy and he knew she was soaking wet.


The last cuff was pulled into place and Angel had to stifle another moan. Why was being completely helpless such a turn on? Not to mention, she’d never thought she had exhibitionist tendencies, but she was getting off on how many people were seeing her helpless and exposed at the hands of Master Adam.

In some ways, this was already so much more intense than her first scene with him. It felt more intimate, maybe because he wasn’t so angry, but it also felt personal. Facing him, being able to see his expressions, being able to watch what he was doing made everything seem much more real. She couldn’t focus inwards or lose herself in her head, because everything was happening right in front of her eyes.

Including how he was staring at her like he wanted to lick her from her toes up to her splayed open pussy. She hadn’t been aware of the air circulation in the Dungeon before, but now she could clearly feel a slight cool draft of air on her wet, heated flesh. It only turned her on more.

“What’s your color, Angel?”

“Green,” she practically sang. Oh so very green.

“Good,” he murmured. His hand caressed her calf, his touch so very light on her skin. It tickled but it didn’t, because she didn’t feel at all like laughing. It was gentle, like the brush of a butterfly’s wing, and all the more teasing because of the very fragility of the touch.

Fingers traced up her calf to her knee, which she’d never thought of as a particularly erotic area, but as his fingers splayed out over the cap she felt an answering tingle in her pussy and she shivered. Looking down, she saw his blue eyes gazing intently up at her, studying her body’s reactions.

“What are you doing?” she asked. This wasn’t at all what she had expected it to be.

Master Adam’s small smile grew larger, his gaze sharpening. “Whatever I want.”

Another shiver went through her as he shifted, reaching out his hand to her opposite ankle, which put her pussy right in front of his face. Angel’s breath caught in her throat. The boundaries which had been set down said he could touch her there, hell she wanted him to touch her there, but sex—including oral—was supposed to be off the table according to the limits they’d made for the Introduction Scene, which she’d agreed to continuing to abide by tonight. If he did break the agreement she could use her safe word and the Dungeon Monitors would come running, but would she want to?

She already knew the answer and it was embarrassingly revealing.

But he touched her ankle and calf, moving his hand slowly upwards the way he had on her other leg, his breath wafting across her shaven mound while his mouth didn’t come any closer. It took a considerable amount of her willpower to keep from canting her hips toward him, her body wanting to beg for more contact. Fingers glided across the backs of her knees and to her inner thighs.

Please please please please please...

She had to bite her lip to keep from saying it out loud. To keep from begging. It felt like her legs were tingling and the sensation was moving up her entire body without him even having to touch her there. The throbbing ache of her nipples was repeated by the walls of her pussy, which clenched over and over again, trying to find relief from the tension building inside of her.

“You’re very wet,” he murmured, his voice appreciative as his fingers made little circles on her thighs, just below her pussy lips. Angel whimpered. When his hands gripped her thighs and then moved upwards, not even brushing the swollen lips between her legs, gripping her hips instead, she had reason to bless the restraints even as she cursed him.

If it hadn’t been for the bondage she’d probably have sunk right down to the floor because her knees had gone too weak to hold her upright. On the other hand, if it hadn’t been for the bondage she could have grabbed him and made him touch her the way she was aching to be touched. She could reach down to take care of things herself.

That she couldn’t do any of those things made her hotter and wetter, which made her feel even more wild.

He’d barely done anything to her and she was ready to beg.

When his hands skimmed up her stomach to cup her breasts she whimpered again, half-choking on a pleading moan as he gently squeezed. Dazed, she looked straight into those bright blue eyes, writhing and automatically tugging at the restraints on her wrists as he squeezed and kneaded her soft flesh. He deliberately kept his fingers away from her nipples.

The bastard.

Thumbs brushed over the tips of her nipples, sending sparks sizzling down her spine, and Angel arched her back, trying to gain more contact. Instead he squeezed her breasts again, carefully avoiding any further contact with the budded tips.

“Oh, for God’s sake, touch me!” she blurted out, too far gone to care if he laughed at her or that other people were hearing her desperate need.

But he didn’t laugh. Instead, he looked directly and deeply into her eyes, maintaining a connection that was almost uncomfortable in its intensity.