Page 39 of Entering Stronghold

“Oh... no. I was thinking about going back to Stronghold tonight.”

“I thought you were going to wait until tomorrow.”

“I was. I am. It was just a thought. That’s okay though, I don’t have to go this weekend.”

“What? No, of course you’re going, don’t be silly.” The mulish expression on Leigh’s face was much preferable to the devastated one she’d been wearing earlier, but Angel still wasn’t going to be convinced Leigh was okay enough to be left alone.

“I’m not going to ditch you tomorrow night,” Angel said flatly.

“We’ll both go. I want to meet this Adam guy anyway,” Leigh said. “I want to go out and do something I wouldn’t normally do.”

Angel opened her mouth and then closed it. Who was she to argue? Maybe Leigh would see something she liked and then she wouldn’t get back together with Michael again.

“Fine. But I’m not ditching you to go do a scene while we’re there.”

Leigh smiled wanly. “Sounds good to me.” She took a deep breath, looking anywhere but at her suitcase which was propped next to Angel’s closet. “Got anything to eat? I’m starving.”

“We can order Chinese, and I’ve got some Ben and Jerry’s while we wait.”

“God, I love you.”



Getting Leigh dressed for Stronghold was fun. She looked incredible in a black lace shirt over a black tank top with a fluttering navy-blue chiffon skirt and very high black heels. Fortunately, she and Angel fit into a lot of same clothing; even though Leigh was much less busty than Angel, they had the same curvy hips. It did mean Leigh didn’t fit into any of Angel’s corsets, and she’d never allowed Angel to make her any, but the black lace shirt worked well enough. And it meant Leigh was more comfortable, because she was basically completely covered.

Angel grinned, wondering what Leigh would think of Lexie, since the last two times she’d seen the younger woman she’d been wearing similar tops to what Leigh had on now, but without the covering undershirt.

At least the clothing and getting dressed was keeping Leigh firmly distracted. She’d had small bouts of crying throughout the day. Sometimes her eyes filling up with tears over something completely random—like the turkey sandwich she had for lunch—and sometimes because she’d start fretting about what Michael was doing. She didn’t say ‘and with whom,’ but the unspoken sentiment always hovered in the air.

“Are you sure this skirt isn’t too short?” Leigh asked, tugging at the hem as she turned to try and see her backside in the mirror. “I feel like my butt’s hanging out.”

“It’s not, it just looks like it’s about to be,” Angel reassured her.

Leigh made a face. “That’s not nearly as comforting as you think it is.”

“Stop it, you look fantastic.” Angel raked her gaze over her friend and gave a sigh of envy. While she loved her curves, sometimes she looked at Leigh’s completely flat stomach and wished she was maybe a little bit less curvy. “Maybe I should re-think this whole bringing you thing...”

“Shut it, you look like sex on heels.”

“Yeah, thank God for corsets sucking in my stomach for me.”

Her friend held up her forefinger and made a face at her. “That’s one... you get to three and I’ll give you a spanking!”

“Sweet Jesus, what is going on in here?” The deeper masculine voice broke into the room, making both of them jump.

“Dammit,” Angel muttered when she realized all three of her housemates were crowded into her doorway. She’d left the door open a crack—a crack!—and one of them must have peeked in to see what was going on. She sighed. “We’re going to a club.”

“Looking like that?” Sam’s voice squeaked a little. His style was ‘stylish geek’ as he liked to call it and he was often taken aback by some of the more outrageous things Angel wore, but he’d never seen her looking like this before. Every time she’d gone to Stronghold she’d put on her coat before going downstairs.

She put one of her hands on her hips and used the other to gesture from her breasts up to her face. “Up here boys.”

Wow, a communal blush as all their eyes flicked upwards. Even Q with his darker skin was blushing. “Do we need to have the ‘you don’t get to tell me how to dress’ discussion again?”

“Aren’t you the one who always preaches about not putting yourself into a situation where you might be in danger?” Mark said, his eyes flicking over to Leigh. Sometimes Angel thought he might have a crush on her, but she didn’t think anything was going to come of it, even if things between Leigh and Michael had finally crashed and burned. “Those outfits look dangerous.”

“Nice to know you listened,” she said. “But the place where we’re going, we will fit right in. In fact, we’re a little overdressed.” She grinned at the skeptical looks on their faces before turning and grabbing her coat. Leigh did the same.