Page 21 of Entering Stronghold

“Sorry about that. He’s my older brother’s best friend,” Lexie said with a sigh. Now she looked both disappointed and resigned. If Angel had a guess, she’d bet Lexie was deliberately poking at Patrick. The girl had a crush, even if she was dating someone else, and Mr. Scary was resisting. “Stop by on your way out and let me know how your scene goes?”

“Definitely.” Angel smiled. She didn’t always make new friends with girls easily, but Lexie was impossible to resist and she didn’t have any of the cattiness or reserve Angel tended to associate with her own gender.

Going into Master Patrick’s office was a little scary, but though he seemed kind of riled up it wasn’t like he had laid a hand on Lexie. Even though she’d been pushing for it. And he’d obviously wanted to.

The entirety of the office seemed to be designed for both comfort and intimidation. Everything was made out of either maple wood or black leather, implements for spanking lined one wall, another was covered in some of the most beautiful and erotic bondage photographs Angel had ever seen.

The desk Master Patrick sat down at was huge, it made her feel like a dwarf by comparison. A man smaller than him would have looked overwhelmed by it, but it suited him perfectly.

“Have a seat.”

Yeah, no mistaking this man for anything other than “in charge.” The authoritarian tone of voice had her moving before she even thought about it to one of the cushy black leather chairs in front of the desk. It was incredibly comfortable. The kind of chair she’d like to curl up and wallow in, read a book on a rainy day... it would have worked as well in front of a fire as it did in this office.

But with the scary man behind the desk, his hard gaze fixed on her, she couldn’t relax. Instead she shifted her weight, taking tiny peeks at him because for some reason she couldn’t bring herself to directly meet his eyes for more than a moment or two.

“I’m sorry about my ah... altercation with Lexie,” he said in clipped tones. Clearly not a man used to apologizing. “You shouldn’t have had to see that.”

“It’s okay.” Angel met his dark eyes for a moment and then dropped her head again. “Sir.”

When she peeked at him this time he had the faint traces of a smile around his lips, which made him seem a lot less intimidating.

“Did you read over the contract I sent you?”

“Yes Sir.” About fifty times. It had included all the rules and regulations which governed Stronghold.

“Good girl.”

Something inside of Angel warmed as he reached into his desk and pulled out a stapled stack of papers. Yeah, she wasn’t attracted to Patrick, even though she could acknowledge he was extremely attractive, but she still liked being called a good girl by him. There was something about it which satisfied a need deep inside of her and made her feel all happy and glow-y.

“This is the same thing, in paper form. You can look it over if you want. And then you need to sign it.” He glanced at the clock. “Your Dom for the evening should be here any minute.”

She felt awkward looking over it in front of him, because part of her said to trust his word, but the more cynical part of her said always be sure. She skimmed it, familiar enough with the sentences by now to know they were identical to the one he’d sent her online.

As she picked up a pen to sign, Patrick’s phone rang.

“Hello?” There was a long pause. “Shit. Alright, I’ll be right down.”

Putting down the phone with enough force that Angel jumped (okay, she might be a little bit jittery considering she’d signed a release to have all sorts of dirty and debauched things done to her), Patrick sighed and gave her a reassuring sort of smile. It warmed his face and enabled her to meet his eyes.

“I have a situation I have to see to... I don’t want to have to leave you here alone though. Hold on a moment.” Getting up, he went back to the door they’d come in from, the one connected to the lobby. Angel clasped her hands together. A situation? What did that mean? Was a sub hurt? Someone’s scene gotten out of control? Why would the owner of the club be needed unless it was something bad?

As her panic started to well, Patrick stuck his head out of the door. “Jared.... oh hey, good you’re here. Never mind, Jared.” He shifted so more of his body was out of the door, muffling what he was saying. Something about a Tom and an Ellie. Then he turned slightly, and she could hear every word again.

“Anyway, Angie’s in here, so you can chat with her before choosing a room for the scene. Interrogation, jail, and school are all open.”

“Okay, thanks.” Her ears must be playing tricks on her because that voice sounded vaguely familiar, but who would she know at Stronghold?

Then Master Patrick was moving away and another man was entering. Angel was starting to stand, feeling she should get up and introduce herself, but as soon as she caught his crystal blue gaze her knees and lungs locked up and she found herself sinking back into the chair.

Very tall, very attractive, with very blue eyes, blonde hair and a goatee... and he looked more than grouchy as recognition flashed across his face.

He looked downright pissed.



Adam had studied the survey and information Patrick had sent him on Angie and hoped the Introduction Scene wouldn’t be as frustrating as his one with Stephanie. From the survey, as long as she had filled it out truthfully, it seemed like it should be an enjoyable scene for him. And from the amount of question marks and indications of “never tried, would like to” answers she’d given, he assumed she was being truthful. Stephanie’s survey had been full of confidence that she would like her fantasies, Angie obviously didn’t have much experience but wanted to try a whole lot.