Not daring to look up, determined to show him how perfectly submissive she could be when she wanted to - and she did want to, for him - Lexie stepped forward and put her hands on the desk. Her heels were just high enough that she had to bend over a bit, her legs slightly spread to keep her balance.
Peeking at him through her lashes, she bit her lip to hide her grin as she saw that he wasn’t looking at her face. Her pussy creamed even more to see his eyes trained on her nipples, with the pretty, silver hoops that she’d picked out just for him. It felt like the engorged buds were swelling even further under his gaze. He wanted her, he really did. Fuck yes.
“Bend over. Down on your elbows.” His husky voice rolled through her, and she didn’t even think before she did exactly what he said. She loved that he was finally giving her orders that weren’t brotherly or just for her safety. Heart swirled inside of her, making her pussy clench as she did a mental happy dance, almost disbelieving that this was really happening. “Look directly down in front of you and don’t look up.”
It wasn’t until she was in position that he moved, and even though she was dying to look at him again, to peek, she stayed perfectly still. There was no way she was going to mess this up now that he was finally giving her a chance. Because she knew this wasn’t just about proving that she was ready to get off the main floor of Stronghold, it was also about proving that she could handle him. To prove she could submit to him as well as challenge him – to prove she could be everything he’d ever needed or wanted in a woman.
Besides, it didn’t matter that she couldn’t see him. She could feel him. What little body hair she did have was standing on end, as if attuned to him as he circled around her. Lexie bit her lip, willing herself to stand perfectly still as he stepped behind her, which would give him the perfect view of her upturned ass and her pussy. She could feel how wet she was, she could only imagine how it looked, especially since she’d gotten a Brazilian earlier this week. There wasn’t a single wisp of hair to give her pussy even the faintest hint of coverage.
The sudden swat to her backside had her jerking forward, gasping, at the unexpected blow. A gentle hand came down on the small of her back, just underneath the waist cincher.
“Stay still.”
It was the first time in her life that she’d been spanked and it was making her want to moan. The initial contact hurt, it stung, but as soon as his hand lifted away, she could feel the warmth on her cheek spreading straight to her core. Her pussy contracted every time he spanked her, her legs wobbling slightly as she struggled to maintain her position.
Lexie had read books, she’d watched movies, and they’d always turned her on, but some secret part of her had also worried that maybe she just liked the idea. She’d been scared that when she got into position, when Patrick actually - finally - spanked her, that it would turn her off. No such worries at all.
Yeah, it hurt, but it hurt so good. She’d never felt anything like it. Her butt was feeling warmer with every blow, it stung a little bit more with every swat, and yet she wanted to lift her butt up for more. Even when tears started to well in her eyes, her body’s reaction to the pain that was starting to flare as he spanked her, she still didn’t want him to stop. This was what people in the club meant when they talked about pain and pleasure melding together, the strange high that the mixture brought with it.
It was everything she had dreamed it would be and more. The only thing that would make it better was if there was a mirror somewhere so that she could watch. She wanted to see Patrick’s face, to watch his hand come down on her ass. Just thinking about it made her even hotter and wetter. She could imagine him doing this and then stepping behind her fully, fucking her in exactly this position while her ass was still all hot and red from the spanking.
Instead, when the blows stopped, he pulled her up and into his arms. Lexie sank against him, feeling soft and warm and a little bit sniffly. Her eyes were wet with her tears and her bottom was throbbing, but it was all worth it to be pressed up against Patrick like this after being spanked by him. So what if he was wearing a shirt? She kind of liked the fact that she was naked and he wasn’t. She especially liked that she could feel his cock digging into her stomach. There was no way he could deny his attraction to her now.
A little bit of aftercare before the fucking wasn’t going to kill her... and this was nice. Sweet. Tender. Loving.
Then he ruined it by opening his mouth.
“You can’t dress like this in the club again, Pixie. No showing off those rings while you work for me, do you hear me? Not ever.”
Despite his massive erection - and it was definitely massive - his voice was no longer hot and needy. It was flat. Controlled. Distant. Lexie pulled back, pushing at his chest so that he loosened his arms enough for her to tip her head back and look at him directly in the face. Her eyes wide, tears still staining her cheeks. For a moment, she thought she saw a flicker of passion again before he shut it down.
“Is that why you spanked me?” she asked in complete disbelief. “For what I’m wearing?”
He hesitated for just a moment before nodding.
Damn him. Damn him to hell and back. Even if this really had been a test, he was going to deny it again now. Deny them. Lexie pushed harder at him, her fury rising, and he let her go. She almost stumbled back, and he reached out to catch her, but she knocked his hand away, righting herself on her own.
Even now, he looked so freaking good. Tall, imposing, wearing black leather pants and a dark green t-shirt that clung to his muscles. The scar that ran down the side of his face just made him look dangerous, even though she’d been there the day he’d gotten it. But that stupid, closed expression on his face made her want to smack him at the same time she wanted to jump his bones.
“Go home and change into something appropriate before you come back for your shift.” Avoiding her gaze, pretending he didn’t have an erection that was threatening to tear open the front of his pants, he walked back around to his side of the desk and sat down.
No. Fucking. Way. She’d done everything perfectly dammit! She’d held still, she hadn’t peeked, and if he didn’t know how turned on she was from getting spanked then he was fucking blind. He was just going to blow her off?
“Seriously? That’s it? That’s all you have to say to me?”
“That’s it.” The jackass didn’t even look at her.
Tears sparked in her eyes. She felt humiliated. Not because of what they’d just done together, that had been mind-blowing, but because she’d put herself out there and been rejected again. He wanted her and he still rejected her. Because he had all the control, all the power, and she kept giving it to him. It was time to do what she’d been balking at for weeks now. It was time to safe word. Metaphorically, that is.
“I quit.” It was almost a shock to hear that snarling, growling voice coming from her own mouth. She’d never heard herself sound like that before. Neither had Patrick. His head jerked up in surprise. Then his jaw clenched, and he nodded.