Patrick didn’t kid himself. He was a control freak of the worst kind. More than that, he was stubborn as hell, overbearing, possessive, and excessively demanding. So far none of the submissives he’d dated had been able to handle that. Either they were unwilling to submit to him on the regular basis that he craved, needed, or they were too submissive. Unfortunately there just didn’t seem to be a lot of fiery rebellious brats that wanted to be kept in line close to 24/7. It seemed to be an either-or situation.
But if he tried with Lexie and that blew up in his face, he stood to lose a lot more than just a girlfriend or even just his best friend. Lexie and Jake’s parents, the Standishes, were like family to him. His parents hadn’t been bad parents, exactly, or even neglectful... just indifferent. Patrick had been an accidental pregnancy, and he’d eventually realized his parents just didn’t quite know what to do with a kid. They’d done their best in their own way, but for most of his childhood, his own parents had treated him as a kind of mini-adult.
The only times he’d been able to let someone else be responsible for him, growing up, was when he was with the Standishes and Jake. His parents had a hands-off approach to raising a child, as long as he hadn’t gotten into trouble, they had pretty much let him do his own thing. It was a good thing that he’d been born responsible; where other kids might have acted out to get their parents’ attention, Patrick had just taken care of himself.
Although just before Jake had announced that he was going back overseas, Patrick had been about to try and suss out how he would feel about his best friend going out with his little sister. Not that he would have jumped right in, but he’d just wanted to know what Jake would think. But once he knew the man was going overseas, back to Afghanistan, Patrick hadn’t wanted to worry him. It was one thing to see how Jake felt, and maybe see if Lexie was interested, while Jake was around to keep an eye on things; it was another to tell Jake that he was interested and then send him off into a potentially dangerous situation.
Anyone else, and Patrick probably wouldn’t have given a flying fuck. He’d never considered anything but his own attraction, and the woman in question, when dating. But this was Jake, and that made all the difference.
Unfortunately, waiting sucked giant donkey balls. Especially since, not long after Jake had left, Lexie made it very clear that the attraction between them was very mutual. That she wanted to experiment with BDSM. Patrick longed to be the one to show her the ropes, literally, but he was determined to wait until Jake was back home. It was a matter of respect.
Plus, he’d been worried that Lexie would run screaming once she realized what he was into. Instead, she’d taken to the front desk of Stronghold like she was born to it, and it was all he could do to keep her in the more PG parts of the club. The idea of her exploring with anyone else made him want to put his fist through a wall, and he couldn’t take her downstairs or upstairs until Jake was home and he knew that he wouldn’t be getting a fist in his face for doing so.
It had made his life difficult in any number of ways. For one, he’d stopped indulging in playing with any of the subs once she was there. It just seemed wrong. Which meant that his only sexual relief was being achieved by his hand. Rosy Palm and her five daughters had become his new harem, because he sure as hell wasn’t getting it from anywhere else.
Which really blew, because the hot little outfits that Lexie wore to work had him pounding his head on his desk on more than one occasion, before finally giving in and jerking off. Sometimes he felt like a perv just for looking at her, other times he found himself praying that Jake would be sent home from duty early. As long as it wasn’t because of an injury.
He sat up straight as Lexie suddenly stopped pacing and squared her shoulders. The cute little trench coat she was wearing didn’t give him any hint of what lay beneath it, other than the fact that her legs were completely bare. Even though she was a petite little pixie, her legs still managed to look endlessly long when she was wearing those ridiculous five inch heels that made him want to lick her from her toes, up the insides of her legs all the way to her pussy.
Don’t think about that.
With a determined look on her face, she headed straight for his office door. Every cell in his body felt like it perked up and came to life. What was she going to do this time?
Even though some of her antics infuriated him, he also got some kind of sick enjoyment from her taunting. Lexie had never been the type to give up once she decided she wanted something - and right now, she wanted him. He’d decided against telling her that he was waiting for her brother to get home, because if Jake wasn’t okay with this, then he didn’t want to drive a wedge between the siblings. He’d shoulder the blame himself. In the meantime, her tenacity made him hard as a rock and stoked his ego. She wanted him as much as he wanted her, even if she wasn’t thinking through the possible consequences.
The door opened and Lexie came in. Seeing her in the short coat in the flesh was so much hotter than on camera. If his cock hadn’t already been aching, it would be now.
“Hello Pixie,” he said, purposefully keeping his voice mild. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I know you think I don’t belong in the club,” she said, without any preamble. Her big blue eyes were trained on him, determined and also excited. There was only the slightest tremor in her voice. That kind of fierce spirit, tinged with just a hint of anxiety, from a submissive was exactly the kind of thing that turned him on the most. “I’ve decided to show you that you’re wrong.”
Patrick opened his mouth, about to say something conciliatory, placating, the way he always did when she demanded entrance to the club, when she whipped off her coat and dropped it to the ground. He actually felt his eyes bulge, like some kind of cartoon character, as his hands gripped the desk in front of him so tightly that the wood creaked.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
The image of Lexie almost completely naked was going to be burned into his brain for the rest of his life. He could easily lick her from ankle to pussy if he wanted, a gloriously bare, waxed pussy. Patrick had seen a lot of pussies, he could tell when a woman had recently gotten a Brazilian. The tiny black lace thong she was wearing hid nothing from him, and it wouldn’t stop his tongue or his fingers. A blue waist cincher with a black lace overlay gave her an hourglass figure while leaving her breasts completely exposed. They weren’t more than a handful, but he already knew he lusted after that handful. She’d come in with nothing but tape over her nipples often enough.
All of the guys in their group, himself included, had been relieved when she’d gone back to wearing bras. A couple of times he’d even wondered over it, because it wasn’t like Lexie to give up. He’d eventually concluded that maybe she thought that covering up was sexier than showing everything. Not that it had mattered to him, those sexy little bras had gotten him just as hard as the tape.
Now he knew what she’d been covering up and it felt like all the blood in his body was pooling in his groin, making him lightheaded.
Silver hoops adorned perfect pink nipples, which jutted out in front of her like little pencil erasers. Patrick loved nice plump, long nipples like hers, especially pierced, like hers. He closed his eyes for a long moment and swallowed, but when he opened them, she was still standing there with her hands on her hips, a slight smirk on her face, looking like his personal wet dream come to life.
“So,” she drawled, her voice sultry as she looked at him, peeking underneath her extravagant eyelashes. He’d been too shocked to hide his expression from her, his sudden, intent interest, and she’d seen it. Recognized it. “Are you going to let me show you that I can handle being in the club?”
It felt like her heart was going to pound out of her chest. Lexie had never seen that particular look on Patrick’s face before. She knew she’d taken a huge risk by coming here today. Not just that he’d kick her out, but that he’d take one look at her and she’d see his lack of interest.
The hungry, almost feral, look in his eyes devoured her, his reaction too primal and too shocked to be faked. Her knees felt weak as his hot gaze seemed to slide across her skin, making her nipples even harder as her pussy began to cream. When she’d first walked in, she’d been too nervous to be turned on. Now she was making up for that.
All she had to do was push him just a bit more, she could see how close he was to breaking. Maybe it was wrong to hope that his brain shut down in favor of his dick, but that’s what she needed... Patrick to stop thinking and start doing.
“Please let me show you, Sir,” she said, catching the flash of hot desire in his eyes just before she lowered her own, tucking her hands behind her into the small of her back. A properly submissive position, one that she’d seen Adam put Angel in more than once when he didn’t have her kneeling.
“Step forward and put your hands on the desk.”
Triumph and excitement rushed through her. Please... please let this not be a joke. The rough quality of his voice was so freaking hot it went straight down to her pussy. If he was going to order her around just to give her a lecture, she really would scream. Or punch him in the face.