“Chris,” said tall, dark, and handsome. “Nice to meet you.” He winked at her. There was nothing seriously flirtatious in his face, he was naturally flirtatious and friendly.

“Andrew,” said the other dark-haired man, reaching out to shake her hand. Angel smiled and responded with her most professional handshake; the one she used whenever she was making a sales pitch. Firm, confident, poised.

“Rick,” said the blond without facial hair. He shook her hand too.

“Well now I feel left out. I’m Chris.” Shouldering Andrew aside, he claimed her hand and shook it as Angel laughed. Chris was fun.

Turning to the gorgeous blond with the well-trimmed mustache and goatee, Angel held out her hand, arching her eyebrow. He took it slowly, deliberately, almost as if he was testing her. The easy confidence of his movements took her breath away, and the warmth of his hand wrapped around hers was almost enough to make her knees buckle. All of them were deliciously authoritative, but unlike the other men there was something about the way he was looking at her, touching her, it wasn’t quite flirtatious but was definitely sexual. Covering her immediate response, which was melting arousal, Angel raised her eyebrows at him and pulled her hand away.

“Adam,” he said, after she’d removed her hand from his. He rubbed at the sides of his mustache with his thumb and forefinger, observing her so intently that for a moment she worried he knew he’d made her wet, just from his handshake. Jesus, he was extremely alpha and she was a little shaken by how much he affected her.

It would probably blow her cover to drop to her knees and beg him to teach her everything he knew, right? Might be worth it.

“Ignore him,” Chris said, fortunately taking her attention before she did something stupid, like confess she was a submissive to a whole group of men she didn’t know or have any reason to trust. “He’s been in a bad mood all night.”

Adam glared at him. “Would you like to join us?” he asked, as if trying to prove his friend wrong.

“Um.” She glanced around. Yeah at first she had come over because she was hoping to ask them questions but now that she’d met them she was starting to feel a little unnerved. Especially by Mr. Grouchy, whose intense blue eyes seemed to search her own, as if he could see into her head. Which, considering the situation, was more than a little unnerving. “This is my first time here, I was thinking about taking a look around.”

They all nodded understandingly. “Feel free to come find us later,” said Chris. “And ask any questions you want. None of us are new to public scening.”

Angel smiled and thanked them—since that had been her excuse for approaching them in the first place—before heading off to see what else the club had to offer. Too bad she hadn’t come in as a sub; she felt like she would have been able to trust one of them pretty quickly. Especially Mr. Grouchy… but maybe that was because of the intense spark of attraction she’d felt, and attraction was a bad bet to place trust in. There were plenty of attractive guys who were total assholes.

But they seemed to have bought her Domme act and they all seemed experienced, even though none of them had subs with them. Maybe she would swing back around to get some good information off of them after she’d explored. Part of her brain thought that was a great idea, the other part of her brain was already trying to talk her out of it.


Watching Angela walk off through the club, Adam couldn’t help but notice what a fantastic ass she had. Not only curvy, but the kind of J-Lo bubble butt a man wanted to cup with his hands. The kind of cheeks a man could get a solid grip on as he pounded into her.

Shifting a bit uncomfortably in his seat, he turned his attention back to his friends to find they were all staring at him.


“What was with the power play man?” Rick asked, looking at Adam a little askance. “You don’t usually pull tricks like that. I would have expected it from Chris but not from you.”

“Hey,” said Chris. “I was perfectly polite to the lady.”

Rick rolled his eyes. “Mostly.”

All three of them looked at Adam, even Andrew who normally didn’t get involved in the interrogate-your-friends sessions. Since he didn’t like to talk about his own issues, he rarely got involved in trying to talk about others’. The fact that Adam’s actions had aroused even Andrew’s curiosity meant he’d been less subtle than he’d thought.

“I wanted to see what she would do,” he said simply. It was the truth, but not the whole truth. The whole truth was he’d been hoping, from the moment he saw her, that she was submissive. The attraction he felt for her was undeniable, but not tenable if she was a Domme. Not even a switch, because he’d never be able to satisfy her dominant needs, but he’d be willing to try and work something out if she had any submissive tendencies. Even if it wasn’t a lasting thing, because it had been far too long since he’d felt such real attraction and curiosity towards a woman like he immediately had towards Angela. For a moment he’d even thought he’d felt her respond to him, but the moment was so fleeting he wasn’t sure he hadn’t imagined it because he wanted something to be there.

When it became obvious he wasn’t going to give them the answers they wanted, his friends turned to other more interesting subjects. By the time Angela came back, her cheeks slightly flushed with arousal, Adam was the only one left at the table. Chris and Andrew had left together, although Rick was still hanging on, hoping the club might get better as the night went on. He’d gone to the bathroom, leaving Adam alone.

Touring the club had obviously intrigued her. Her breasts were heaving a little bit in the tight confines of her top and the flush on her cheeks emphasized the sparkle in her unusually bright hazel eyes and the pretty pink bow of her lips. When her tongue flicked out and licked her lower lip, it did absolutely nothing to help calm the images he had in his head of pressing the head of his cock to her gorgeous mouth.

Disrespectful thoughts. If she was a Domme. Not that he would question her if that’s what she said she was, but there was something… off… unless it was his imagination or plain old wishful thinking getting the better of him. He wasn’t sure, which was not a situation he was used to and not one he enjoyed. He wanted to sit her down and hash it out until he could be sure, but it wasn’t exactly something he could order her to do.

“What do you think of Chained?” he asked, curious about her impressions. She couldn’t answer immediately because almost as soon as she sat down the young sub who had approached her earlier came up again. This time she ordered a Jack and ginger. Adam watched the interaction closely. Although she seemed to appreciate the young man’s obvious charms, there didn’t seem to be any true interest there.

Maybe the server wasn’t her type.

Maybe subs in general weren’t her type, maybe she only thought they were.

Maybe Adam was a big, overanalyzing idiot. That seemed like a pretty good possibility.

“It’s fascinating,” she said brightly. Energy flowed from her, she practically quivered in her seat with it. The bouncy quality of her personality seemed almost at odds with the in-control Domme she’d introduced herself as before, her teasing had been careful but pointed, now she seemed more natural. “I’m not a big fan of the decor, but I love being able to see everything going on. Some of the scenes are…” She shivered a little, a reaction she obviously wasn’t able to suppress. “And I do love a good tiki-bar, even if it’s not outside.” She beamed playfully at him, tugging at something instinctive deep within him that he couldn’t quite decipher.