“Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you when I grabbed you did I?”
“No.” She shook her head to emphasize that point. Even though his fingers had been rough he hadn’t hurt her. Not then and not physically.
He opened his mouth to say something back, when shouting on the dance floor made both of their heads turn. The words were indecipherable, but there was no mistaking the roar of sound, punctuated by much shriller yips. It was pretty easy to see where the focus of the uproar was, every head in the place was turned, looking at Patrick. And from the glimpses of black hair, bouncing around him, Angel knew whatever was going on must have to do with Lexie and Trevor.
Adam cursed. “I need to find out what’s going on. Stay here for a few minutes and I’ll come back and we can talk.”
“Actually, I think I’m going to go home.”
The look he gave her was so incredulous she almost laughed. Geez… he thought he was something didn’t he? Couldn’t believe she was about to leave him high and dry when they had a scene arranged. But that wouldn’t last long, she’d already witnessed how easy it would be for him to arrange another one.
“But you just got here.”
“And now I feel like going home.”
The muscle in his jaw tightened, his head swiveling back towards the commotion in the middle of the room before returning to her. “We planned to do a scene together tonight.”
“I’ve changed my mind.”
Cries spread out from the center of the room, filled with shock and something like glee. Lexie’s shrill scream of “Stop!” was like the cherry on top of the noise sundae. Adam cursed again.
“Stay here. Don’t leave.” It was an order.
He turned and started to push his way through to the center of the crowd. As much as Angel wanted to stay and make sure Lexie was okay, she couldn’t face Adam again tonight.
It took longer than Adam expected to sort out the chaos which had exploded around Patrick, Lexie, and Trevor. Especially when he and his friends were having to get third hand accounts from the witnesses rather than any of the three who were involved. Patrick had shut down and gone stoic, Lexie was huddled in Hilary’s arms crying, and Trevor was icing his jaw. And eye. And ribs.
And the kid was damned lucky it hadn’t been more than that.
From what Adam understood, when Lexie had refused to try and sneak out with Trevor and head to one of the private rooms, her idiot boyfriend (and Adam hoped the kid was an ex-boyfriend now) had decided the middle of the dance floor was as good a spot to push things a little farther with their relationship. After all, wasn’t everyone else around them doing the same thing? Lexie had told him no.
He bet Lexie had thought Trevor would take the no as it was meant to be. Instead, he’d kept pushing, and unfortunately for him ‘no’ was a pretty easy word to lip-read, which meant Patrick was there about two seconds later.
It probably would have all ended there, except Trevor had chosen to get in Patrick’s face about it and had accidentally pushed Lexie hard enough she fell on the ground.
Exactly at what point and how Trevor had ended up with a black eye, swollen jaw, and bruised ribs, no one had been quite clear on. Justin was guarding the idiot with a grim look on his face, Patrick had shut himself in his office, Jessica was standing over Hilary and Lexie and not letting any of the Doms get close enough to question her, and to top everything off, Angel seemed to have disappeared.
Unfortunately, Adam wasn’t able to do anything about that until they got everyone on the main floor calmed down, decided Andrew would do the spanking demonstration while Rick took over his bar duties, at which point Olivia came storming up the stairs practically breathing fire as she headed straight for Trevor.
Which meant Adam spent another twenty minutes playing “keep-away” with Olivia and calming her down.
So by the time he was finally able to go to the front desk and find out whether or not Angel was in the club, it had been over an hour since he’d left her by the wall with orders to stay put. Which, apparently, was exactly around the time she’d left.
He wouldn’t have minded if she hadn’t stayed in one spot for the time he’d been distracted. He did mind her leaving the club without talking to him, almost immediately after he’d told her not to do exactly that.
Trying to storm Patrick’s office for her information proved unsuccessful, Lexie had already left with Jessica, Justin, and Chris, and Adam was reduced to texting Michael to ask for Angel’s number. Which didn’t help his mood any.
It was time to cut his losses and go home. The club was back on track and he didn’t have to stick around for any further duties. Tomorrow he’d deal with Angel.
This was such a bad idea.