That had taken care of Laurie, but by the time she’d trotted off to approach one of the Doms he’d pointed out, Angel and Rick were already on the dance floor and another submissive had come up to see if she could “serve” him. What was it with the submissives tonight? Normally that kind of thing wasn’t the way interactions at the club were handled. The subs were supposed to wait for the Doms to come to them. They could show interest, of course, with looks or smiles or whatever, but they weren’t supposed to be the first to approach. It had taken him another few minutes to let her down gently and by that time he’d already reached his limit when it came to watching another man dance with Angel.
Even if the other man was one of his friends.
“So why did you?”
“Why did I what?” Crap, his mind had completely wandered, he’d been looking over the straps covering Angel’s body again. Although “covering” might be too strong of a term to use. They weren’t covering a whole lot, but the caged look was hot as hell, especially now that he was close enough to see she was wearing matching red leather gladiator sandals. He didn’t have a foot fetish, but he liked the way those looked.
“Why did you grab me?”
Not a question he wanted to answer. It made him feel too vulnerable. He decided to give her a partial truth.
“I wanted to arrange the scene we talked about last night.”
Her mouth made a little ‘o,’ as if she was surprised. Which didn’t make any sense, but that round little opening made the blood surge to his cock, as if it wasn’t already hard enough from looking at her, remembering exactly how he’d used her sweet mouth last night.
“Excuse me, Master Adam?”
With a sigh he turned to see a leggy brunette standing next to him, looking up at him with obvious admiration. Although he’d seen her in the Lounge area before, he’d never talked to her and he didn’t know her name. She’d shown up around the same time he’d met Angel, so right around the time he’d stopped playing. She was about the same height as Angel, dressed in nothing but a lacy red thong, black high heels, and dangling hearts from her nipple jewelry. Feeling decidedly impatient, especially as he sensed Angel start to turn away, he reached out and snagged her arm again. Too bad if she thought he was being grabby. At least this time he didn’t get an elbow in the gut, she stilled and waited for him as he raised his eyebrow at the interrupting submissive.
To her credit, the brunette blushed, her eyes going back and forth between him and Angel as if realizing she was interrupting something. Then she ruined it by drawing herself up and tilting her head at him in an inviting manner.
“I heard Master Patrick was going to do a spanking demonstration this evening... I was hoping maybe you could give me a more intimate spanking demonstration?”
A low growl built in his chest, but no one would be able to hear it over the music. He didn’t know why the subs were propositioning the Doms tonight or why they kept pestering him, but he didn’t like it. Still, he wasn’t about to be cruel.
“Not tonight,” he said curtly. “I suggest you speak with Master Will over there.” He nodded at the handsome Dom who was currently at the bar chatting with a few other tops. “He’s very good at spanking scenes.”
“Oh, thank you.” The brunette looked disappointed, but that wasn’t his problem. No, his problem was with the other brunette standing very stiffly next to him. Dammit, now what had he done wrong?
“Come on.”
Doing his best not to drag Angel, he pulled her over to the wall, nearer the entrance and completely out of the crowd of people. She only resisted a little bit before obviously giving in, although she was still holding herself away from him. Her body language had completely changed again, going from wary but interested and now she was so reluctant she might as well have been holding a sign that said ‘hands off.’
It was all very well and good to be able to read her emotions, but not if he didn’t understand why she was feeling them or what she was reacting to. She couldn’t possibly blame him for another woman hitting on him while she was there, could she?
This was so not happening. She might not have a right to be angry that he’d basically told another woman they could scene together some other time, right in front of her, but that didn’t stop her from feeling pissed off anyway.
Not tonight.
The response echoed in her head. Before she heard him say that, she’d managed to convince her emotions she was basically okay with him possibly scening with other women since it’s not like they’d talked about being exclusive or even dating. Ha. She was totally not okay with it and she should have realized it last night, the second she’d cared about giving him pleasure as much as she cared about getting hers. That he wanted to scene with her tonight and was willing to scene with other women on a different night, and to blatantly say so in front of her, hurt more than she had realized it would.
It was silly of her to think the first Dom she’d be attracted to would want the same things as she did. Sure, they got along, and they had a ton of chemistry, but he was obviously used to doing club scenes, with no emotional involvement.
Funny, but when she’d first gone to Chained, she’d been so worried about being physically hurt that she hadn’t even considered the emotional dangers.
“You look incredible,” he said, turning her to face him. Angel felt herself a little warmed by the compliment. After all, he was obviously a highly in demand Dom and he wanted to play with her.
For tonight anyway.
Yeah. She wasn’t going to be one of those girls who took whatever crumbs were offered to them. That wasn’t what she was looking for. Maybe if they hadn’t already shared three incredibly intimate scenes that had felt like there was something more going on than sex… but she couldn’t keep doing scenes like that when she knew he was scening with other women.
After tonight she could regroup and come back to Stronghold and she would stop scening with him and find someone who wanted the same things she did.
“Thank you,” she said, and smiled back at him, but she was immediately aware that, while she’d been able to force the smile to her eyes for Rick, she couldn’t do it now. And Master Adam’s brow furrowed as he looked down at her, and she knew he knew everything was not okay.
When he touched her face, cupping her chin in one hand and running his thumb over her bottom lip, it was such an intimate, sweet gesture, it physically made her chest hurt around her heart. But she was an actress, she knew how easy it could be to make such a gesture seem real. Besides, he probably did care, in the way a Dom cared about a sub whom he’d taken under his wing, but that didn’t mean he cared about her in the way she’d hoped for.