Page 65 of Entering Stronghold

He studied her expression. “Are you okay?”

“Fine. Wonderful.” Taking a deep breath, Angel made her eyes follow her lips. A lot of people couldn’t smile from the eyes if they didn’t mean it, but she could. She also didn’t let her eyes stray over to where Master Jerkface was. “The club looks great doesn’t it?”

“It does.” Rick’s eyes didn’t move from her face and she had a feeling she wasn’t fooling him. “I think everyone likes it, which should make Lexie happy.”

“There’s a lot more people here than I thought there would be.”

He chuckled and she could feel herself relaxing now that she had someone to talk to, someone to focus on and distract her from the angry, jealous energy pulsing inside of her. “There’s a lot more people than we all thought there would be. I’m sure Lexie’s going to use that to try and convince Patrick to allow her to plan more themed events for the club.”

Angel grinned. “Which will also mean allowing her in the doors again.”

“But not past the main floor.”

She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Eventually you guys are going to have to give up on that you know.”

Instead of responding, Rick held out his hand. “Wanna dance?”

This time she couldn’t help it, her eyes flicked over to where Adam was standing. The redhead was still with him, her hand on his arm, gazing up at him with adoring eyes. Whatever. If he wanted to play with her first then Angel wasn’t going to wait around for him. She’d dance with Rick and then she’d leave. As long as she did something before she left then it wouldn’t look too pathetic, she wasn’t going to wait around for Adam to ask her to be second in his line-up.

“I’d love that.”

It took a lot of willpower not to look over at Adam again to see if he was watching as Rick pulled her out onto the dance floor. The music was what she’d once heard described as “industrial.” It had a throbbing beat which was easy to dance to, not quite techno, not quite club and completely enthralling. The way the music flowed it encouraged movements that were fluid, sexy.

She didn’t know if Rick did it on purpose, but she found herself positioned so Master Adam and the redhead were far enough out of her field of vision she would have to turn to see them. And there was no way she was going to do anything so obvious. It also meant she could relax and dance and enjoy Rick’s company, because she couldn’t see whether Adam was watching or what he was doing.

Dancing with Rick was fun. His movements were easy to follow, and although their bodies were occasionally pressed up against each other, it was usually because of how crowded the dance floor was. More than once he pulled her up against him to get her out of the way of someone about to step on her or who was moving a little too wildly and enthusiastically.

When the song started to change, signaling that whoever was DJing was blending it into the next song, hard hands came down on her hips and jerked her back. Angel automatically lashed out, her elbow digging into what felt like a rock-hard stomach.


Her only consolation was that Adam hadn’t been expecting it either, which left him gasping for breath as one hand immediately covered the place where she’d jabbed him. Rick burst out laughing. Putting her hands on her hips, Angel glared at Adam.

“What part of ‘I teach self-defense’ did not get through to you?” she shouted over the music.

Adam’s lips thinned as he straightened, still rubbing his stomach. “Come over here where it’s quieter.”

Giving them both a salute, Rick melted into the crowd as Adam wrapped long fingers around her arm and steered her through the gyrating people and over toward the bar. The acoustics in the club were amazing and the music was still loud but you could still hold down a conversation away from the dance floor.

Yanking her arm out of Adam’s grasp, she glared up at him, crossing her arms beneath her breasts. For a moment his eyes flitted down to the way her curves were hefted up by her position, but she ignored that. Well, not ignored, since it made her insides flush with warm pleasure, but she didn’t let it distract her.

“What makes you think you can come up behind me and grab me whenever you want?” she demanded.

There was a long pause and she wondered if he was going to try to do the Dom thing on her—not that she was going to go along with it, at least not without a serious attempt at resisting—and reprimand her for her tone, but then his big body seemed to drain of tension.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that,” he said, his hand straying back up to where she’d elbowed him. A little rueful smile crossed his face. “Although you got me pretty good.”

Dammit, why couldn’t he have stayed hard and mean? That little smile he was giving her made her want to smile back, and the apology sounded completely sincere. Plus she liked he was man enough to acknowledge she’d got him good instead of trying to play it off like the elbow to the gut hadn’t affected him at all.

“I’d apologize, but you kinda deserved it for grabbing me.” She scowled at him, but she knew she’d lost the edge and intensity to her anger. The little smile playing on his lips said he knew it too. Damn observant Dom.


“Yes, I did.”

He knew he’d grabbed her too hard the moment he’d done it. The only defense he had was how out of control she’d made him feel. Again. Watching her dance with Rick had been like exquisite torture, because she was beautiful to watch but he’d been roiling with jealousy the entire time. At first he’d been grateful his friend had given her someone to talk to, he’d been all too aware of the dominants eyeing her from the moment she’d walked in, but he’d needed a few minutes to control himself.

He’d taken the time to chat with Laurie for a few more minutes, pointing out some of the other Doms who might be to her liking—ironically Rick had been one of them.