Page 34 of Entering Stronghold

Justin smiled. A slow, knowing smile that made her fidget and want to ask exactly what it was he was thinking. Stupid know-it-all Doms. “He’s not coming tonight.”

“Oh.” Her shoulders slumped for a moment before she pushed them back up. Disappointment warred with relief.

“He’ll be here tomorrow.” The tone of his voice was casual, the penetrating way he was looking at her was not.

“I won’t be. I have plans.” A game night with her housemates, but she didn’t mind the implication that perhaps she had a date. With someone who wasn’t big, blond, and pissy.

“Mmm, too bad.” Before Angel could ask what he meant, his expression lightened a bit. “Ah good, Olivia’s here.”

Turning to see who he was looking at, Angel saw a woman with flaming red hair approaching. She was a Domme, what Angel had pretended to be at Chained, wearing skin tight black latex bodysuit covering her almost completely except for a keyhole opening showing off a generous amount of pale skin and cleavage. The utter confidence she walked with was exactly what Angel had tried to emulate at Chained.

She was also vaguely familiar, and as she came closer Angel realized Olivia was the one who had stepped in last night at the end of her scene with Adam. Heat rose in her cheeks and her gaze skittered away from those clear, grey eyes.

“Olivia, I believe you’ve met Angel,” Justin said, getting to his feet. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go join Chris and Jessica at school.”

“Good, shoo,” Olivia said, without even turning her head to look at him. All of her attention was on Angel, which was making Angel shift uncomfortably in her seat. The big male Dom paused for a moment, as if he now wanted to show Olivia couldn’t order him around, but then he shrugged and walked off toward the stairways. Angel sneaked a peek at Olivia, who was now smiling at her. “Jessica’s good for him.”


“A year ago, if I’d told him to shoo, he would have stuck around to make a point. Now he doesn’t care, because he’s happy and he’d rather go be with Jessica and Chris then stay here arguing with me,” Olivia explained as she slid into the chair next to Angel.

“I told him he didn’t have to stay here with me,” Angel said, feeling a bit guilty and wondering if Olivia was obliquely referring to the fact Justin had been sitting with her rather than off with his partners. “I can take care of myself. I was going to go over there.” She nodded at the lounge.

“No, stay here.” Even though it was phrased as an order, there was something in Olivia’s tone making it a request instead. Just a very strongly worded request. A server came up and Olivia ordered a drink before turning back to Angel. “I wanted to talk to you anyway. How are you after last night?”

Angel shifted in her seat. After Lexie, no one else had asked how her first scene had gone. Conversation had flowed easily enough while they’d been getting to know each other, but that hadn’t come up. It wasn’t until now she realized that was kind of strange. Then again, she wouldn’t have felt comfortable telling them much because it was obvious from the things they’d said they were good friends with Adam and she wouldn’t have wanted to say anything that could be construed as negative. With Olivia she was more comfortable because the other woman had been there.

In fact, she’d scolded Adam, although Angel couldn’t remember any of the specifics of what had been said. She’d been far too out of it.

“I’m okay,” she said, fiddling with her drink. “A little confused I guess.” She eyed Olivia, but the other woman wasn’t looking at her with any kind of judgment. Interest and a tinge of concern, but nothing that said she thought Angel had done anything wrong. “He was so angry at first... the scene was amazing, but then he was so cold and uncaring afterwards until you talked to him.”

“Adam has some... trust issues, we’ll call them. Finding out you were a submissive was a bit of a shock to him and he doesn’t like surprises. He’s not usually caught unawares.” To Angel’s surprise, Olivia grinned rather cheerfully. “It’s good for him.”

“I don’t usually lie,” said Angel, not wanting this woman to get the wrong impression. “I... it’s scary doing this on my own. Coming here... I didn’t feel safe right away. I wanted to know what I was walking into before I came in as a submissive and put myself in someone else’s hands.”

“I can understand, although I also understand why Adam was so upset. Honestly and communication are incredibly important, especially here. It’s something that can’t be stressed enough,” Olivia said as the server returned with her drink. Taking it, she brought it to her lips for a short sip as she studied Angel thoughtfully. “We went to see your show, you know. You’re a very good actress.”

“We... you... my show?” Angel stuttered out. Olivia’s lightning changes in conversation were not exactly easy to keep up with.

“Adam and me. Last Saturday. I have no doubt you pulled off being a Domme very well,” Olivia went on calmly. “Rick, Chris, and Andrew had no idea and they’re usually pretty observant, although Adam and Patrick are the best at reading body language. Which is why it threw Adam for a loop when he couldn’t quite figure you out and then you showed up here as something different than he’d first seen you. Things that are unexpected and out of his control throw him, so he’ll probably need a couple days to get over it before he’s back to normal.”

He wasn’t the only one. Angel felt shell shocked by the knowledge he and Olivia had come to see her show. She remembered mentioning it at Chained, but she would never have thought he would remember, much less look it up and then come.

“Oh,” she finally said when she realized Olivia seemed to be waiting for some sort of response. There was too much to think about and too many emotions to sort through. She had no idea how she felt about all these revelations, piling on top of each other.

Olivia smiled gently. “Come on, sweetie. I’ll walk you out to the lobby. Are you coming back here tomorrow?”

“No,” Angel shook her head as she got up. “I can’t, I have plans. I’ll be back next weekend though.”


“No, I promised my housemates some hang out time.”

Olivia smiled again as she escorted Angel into the lobby. “Then we’ll see you next week. Lexie, get Angel’s coat for her please.”

The entire operation was done so smoothly, with Olivia ushering Angel to the front door after she’d said another goodbye to Lexie and given the girl the web address for her Etsy store since she’d forgotten to the night before, that Angel was in her car and driving before she realized she hadn’t done what she’d gone to the club for. The plan had been to do another scene, whether or not Mr. Grouchy was there, because she wanted to learn.

And just because she was attracted to him and they’d shared an amazing scene, that didn’t mean she couldn’t scene with other people. In fact, she probably should scene with other people so she didn’t spend all her time thinking about him when it was obvious he wasn’t interested in her.