Jared and Patrick burst out laughing as Andrew groaned. “There’s something seriously wrong with you.”
“There’s something wrong with all of you, why are you here?” asked Patrick, making a pained face.
“Because you called Adam to keep an eye on Stronghold tonight, and he called us, figuring you shouldn’t be alone,” Olivia said cheerfully, standing back up. “Now stop whining and I’ll get you a beer.”
Andrew leaned over as she walked towards the kitchen, whispering loudly. “I’ll give you $10 to call her beer wench.”
“Not worth it,” Patrick muttered. He’d have to be a hell of a lot drunker than he was to do something that stupid. Not that he was wasted... not exactly anyway. But he knew he was a bit of a lightweight once he got past two beers. The taste of tequila in his mouth reminded him that he’d gone way the fuck beyond that point. He didn’t like being drunk, didn’t like the loss of control, so he rarely drank more than two beers or one glass of scotch at any given time. Enough to get him lightly buzzed, basically.
“I heard that,” Olivia said over her shoulder before disappearing into the kitchen.
“I should be more scared, but I’m not,” said Andrew, taking a sip of his own beer.
“That’s because you have no survival instinct,” Jared said, patronizingly. “If you did, you wouldn’t say stupid shit all the time.”
“This coming from the man who barely talks at all.”
“I talk when I have something to say.”
“Unlike Andrew, who talks just to hear the sound of his own voice,” Olivia said, obviously amused, as she came back into the room. She handed the beer to Patrick before reclaiming her seat.
“Well it is a very nice voice.” Andrew chuckled at his own joke, making Olivia shake her head.
Patrick just groaned and leaned back against the couch. The beer in his hand was making his skin cold, but he didn’t really feel all that inclined to drink it. How much tequila had he had? He remembered at least three shots. Fuck but he was going to be feeling it tomorrow.
“Don’t worry,” Olivia said, reaching out to pat his hand. “I won’t let you overindulge. I know there’s no way you’ll stay home from Stronghold two days in a row.”
“Especially not on a Saturday,” said Jared. “You’re too much of a control freak.”
“Like you aren’t,” Andrew pointed out, giving him a look. “That’s the fun of being a Dom.”
“Hey, my girlfriend’s off who the fuck knows where right now, and I’m just fine with that,” Jared said, his voice mild. He really did sound like he didn’t care, which was new. “Obviously I’m not that much of a control freak.”
“You would be if you actually cared about her,” Olivia said. “You need to just dump the bitch.”
Jared eyed her skeptically. “Are you sure you’re not just saying that so you can try your hand at matchmaking with me? Because that seems to be all you do lately. Maybe we should be looking for a man for you, so you can stop poking your nose into everyone else’s business.”
“Good luck with that,” Olivia said, tipping her glass towards him in a kind of smug salute. “I could have a harem of men, and I’d still be bugging you about Truck Stop. Just consider me your fairy godmother. Can I help it if I like seeing my friends happy?”
“Are you sure you’re not just trying to live vicariously through us because not enough of your kind of men are coming through the club?” Patrick asked, rolling his head towards her. It was the kind of question he probably would have never dared to ask if he’d been completely sober. “I could start advertising for some more challenging male subs. Big ones. With lots of muscles.”
Olivia laughed. “If I could find a man I was interested in, I would take him. I can’t help it if you asshats keep stumbling across the perfect woman and then making a mess of things.”
“I haven’t stumbled across anyone,” Jared said stubbornly. “So you can’t say that about me.”
“Ah... but you would if you came to the club and actually gave any of them a chance,” Olivia said with a smirk. “That subbie whose Dom got kicked out the other week was pretty impressed with you. She’s been asking everyone about you.”
“Low standards,” Andrew said, nodding sagely. “That’s what happens when you’re in a relationship with an abusive shithead like that.”
“Did I tell you he reapplied for membership?” Patrick asked, laughing at the audacity of the jerk. It hadn’t been funny at the time, but it seemed kind of funny now. Mostly funny that the idiot thought he’d be allowed back into the club. Ever.
Sitting up, Jared frowned, and Patrick could tell the other man was already thinking about the abusive Dom’s former sub, his protective side riled. “You’re not, right?”
“Of course not,” Patrick said, giving Jared a look. His friend should know him better than that. “Just because he has some sob story about it being a bad day doesn’t mean I’m an idiot. Although, if it meant you’d dump Marissa and take up with the new subbie to protect her, I’d be willing to consider it.”
Jared made a face. “You don’t need to do that. I think I’m going to break up with Marissa soon anyway. Next time she calls.”
“YES!” Olivia exploded out of her seat, making all three men jump and nearly spill their drinks. Andrew actually shrieked a little bit, which would have made Patrick burst out laughing, if he hadn’t already been laughing about Olivia’s happy dance. Across from her, Jared was rolling his eyes, but he couldn’t entirely keep the smile from his face. “YES! YES! YES!!! Praise the Lord, Hallelujah! Why didn’t you say so earlier?!”