It was utter sensual torture. The upside was that by the time they got to Stronghold, she’d definitely forgotten to be nervous. She was too distracted by all the new stimuli Rick had hooked her up to.
A young man with sandy blonde hair was sitting behind the front desk, smiling at them warmly before sending them in. Jared was standing guard at the door. He gave Maria a smile as they approached.
“Good evening, Master Rick.” His eyes flicked up to Rick’s for just a moment and then submissively back down. “Welcome back.”
“Thanks,” Rick said, handing over the small duffel bag he’d brought in with them. Maria wondered what it was for, but the young man behind the desk didn’t seem to think there was anything unusual about it. She didn’t want to ask.
“Have a good night.”
“Thank you,” she said, smiling up at him as naturally as she could when her ass was clenching around a plug and with every step her panties rubbed her. Then she gasped as the plug suddenly fizzed and hummed inside of her, her eyes unfocusing and her steps stuttering.
Rick immediately wrapped a strong arm around her, keeping her from falling. Despite the sudden distractions going on inside of her, Maria didn’t miss the glint of amusement in Jared’s dark coffee-colored eyes.
“You asshole,” she hissed at Rick as he helped her in through the door.
At home that would have gotten her an amused look. Here it got her a short, sharp slap on the ass. One which stung. The look Rick gave her was far from amused too. “Be respectful in the club, sweetheart, or I’ll have to give you some punishment tonight instead of funishment.”
Dammit, that was something they’d already talked about, that she knew. She’d just forgotten in her distraction. To her relief, he put his hand in his pocket and the buzzing in her ass stopped. Not that it had felt bad, just shocking... and maybe a little too good.
The shell-shocked expression on Maria’s face when he’d set off the vibrator in her ass had been worth it. Even if she had called him an asshole. Not that he really minded, except at Stronghold she needed to be more respectful than when it was just the two of them. Although he’d rather have her slip up with him than accidentally insult another Dom. He wondered what her reaction would be when he turned on the vibrator in the panties.
The little toys were already giving her some trouble, he could tell. She was taking much smaller steps than usual, although that might be because of her heels, but he didn’t think so.
Hand on the small of her back, he steered her over toward his friends. They were all already gathered—no surprise there. On the way, he enjoyed the envious looks of the other dominants who were at the club as they gave Maria a once over. He felt incredibly smug, showing her off as his submissive, and not just a visitor to the club.
Mine, mine, mine.
Smug and a little territorial.
His group of friends had taken over the far corner of the bar and the table closest to it. Andrew was behind the bar, working that end, with Will working the other end of the bar. Sitting on one of the stools was Liam, with Hilary standing between his thighs, leaning against him, and next to them were Olivia and Patrick. Patrick was sitting on the bar stool closest to Lexie’s seat at the table with Adam and Angel, glaring at any Dom who even looked at the occupants of the table.
He and Maria were welcomed with excitement. Not in any rush, Rick put her down on a stool next to his, enjoying the way she squirmed as she tried to find a comfortable way to sit on the hard wood with a plug in her ass. Adam tipped him a wink, obviously realizing what Maria’s problem with getting comfortably seated was.
Although Rick was fairly sure Adam didn’t use vibrating plugs. As Maria started to answer Angel’s question about how her weekend had been so far, Rick hit the little button on the remote that made the plug pulse. Immediately, Maria stiffened, her voice quavering before she got control over it again. She shot him a dirty look before turning back to Angel, answering her friend with determination in her voice.
“What’d you do?” Patrick asked, low in his ear. Turning his body slightly, so only Patrick would be able to see, Rick pulled the two remotes from his pocket to show the club owner. Patrick chuckled. “Nice.”
“I’m not sure she’d agree with you,” Rick said back, just as quietly. He was going to enjoy playing with Maria and the toys, but he didn’t want her to be embarrassed by knowing their friends knew what was going on. Pushing the button on the plug remote, he stopped the vibrations and watched his girl relax minutely.
Patrick grinned. “That’s half the fun.” As Lexie started to stand, Patrick reached out and grabbed the belly chain hanging around her bare midriff, stopping her mid-step. “Where do you think you’re going?”
Glaring, Lexie turned around and scowled at him. “The bathroom.”
“There and back. I’m watching you.”
For a second, Rick thought Lexie was going to snap back at the big Dom. Instead, she just clenched her hands into fists for a moment and then nodded her head, letting her gaze fall to the floor before turning around once Patrick had released his grip on her chain. Patrick’s expression was so hard, it might as well have been carved of granite.
Rick felt a moment of pity for the big guy. Whenever Lexie capitulated to one of Patrick’s demands, or submitted instead of mouthing off or fighting back, it would actually make it harder on the Dom to resist her. Whether or not Lexie had figured that out or if she was just showing she could behave so Patrick didn’t make her leave the main floor, he knew her little show of submission had probably called to something within Patrick the other man didn’t want called out when it came to Lexie.
“So are you letting her do any big party nights here any time soon?” he asked, dragging Patrick’s gaze away from watching Lexie cross the room to the bathroom. He doubted Patrick would want anyone noticing his all-too-revealing attention to Lexie’s every movement.
Turning his head to face Rick, Patrick kept himself positioned so he could still keep an eye on the door to the ladies’ room, but he wasn’t staring at it anymore. “She wanted to do an end-of-summer thing, but I convinced her to hold off till Halloween.” He sighed. “I’m sure she’ll want to do Christmas and New Years’.”
Not that Patrick had to let her, but Rick knew he would.
“Is she trying to get off this floor?” He was kind of curious as to why Patrick was watching over her like a hawk tonight. Not that it was unusual, but he’d never made Lexie account for where she was going or used an article of her clothing like a leash before.
Patrick scowled, the expression tugging at the scar that ran down the left side of his face. “No, but some of those fuckers keep looking over here,” he said, jerking his head to indicate the other Doms walking around the main floor. Since most of them were probably looking for who they wanted to play with for the night, that would definitely set Patrick on edge if any of them were actually eyeing Lexie. “They’re getting too used to seeing her in here and they’re getting ideas.”