“Great,” said Lexie, ignoring the rise of tension in the room. Rick was pretty sure Maria noticed it, but she also chose to ignore it, possibly not realizing what the issue was. Even if she did know, all of the women sided with Lexie when it came to her desire for entrance into Stronghold, so it didn’t surprise him Maria would too.
“We’re free next Saturday, so we’ll be there,” Hilary said, Jessica chiming in right after her with her own promise to be there as well.
With Lexie on the floor next week, Rick didn’t doubt all of the others would come out too. Olivia to support Lexie. Andrew and Jared to help Patrick watch over her. He realized his own level of caring what Lexie did had definitely diminished since he’d become involved with Maria. Maybe it was because he was realizing she was finally grown up, or maybe it was just because he had something better to focus on. Either way, he trusted his friends to look after her. Especially because he was pretty sure Lexie didn’t have an interest in scening with anyone other than Patrick. Which definitely wouldn’t be happening any time soon.
He wasn’t the only one who seemed unconcerned with Lexie’s determination to get back on the floor of Stronghold. Chris was more amused than anything else, Liam hadn’t done anything but roll his eyes, and Justin just looked resigned.
Only Patrick was truly bothered.
Wednesday night, while Rick was at Liam’s dojo, Maria found herself in a place unlike anywhere she’d ever been before.
“Oh my God,” she whispered, staring at the huge toy, too horrified to even touch the plastic packaging. Just in case touching it made the thing come to life, escape the protective cover and come after her. It was that scary. Her voice went up to a squeak. “That goes in your ass?!”
Coming into the aisle, Angel took one look at the big, round plug and snorted. “Not my ass, that’s for sure. Adam might be an ass-man, but he’s not a sadist. Maybe Andrew would.”
“Nah, he prefers impact play for causing pain.” That came from Lexie who was browsing one aisle over in what looked like toys exclusively for nipples. Maria had had no idea there were so many different kinds of things to torture people’s nipples with. Some of them even vibrated. They looked a lot less frightening than a lot of things in her aisle though.
“Ladies, you’ve gotten distracted again,” Olivia called from the clothes section, where she was standing with Hilary. Jessica had wandered too, although Maria couldn’t see what toys were displayed in her aisle. Kinky ones, she was sure.
They were all there to help Maria find an outfit for Saturday. She didn’t want to go back to Stronghold wearing something anyone on the street might wear. Rick hadn’t understood what the problem was, so she’d texted Angel who had organized a little girls’ night out shopping for an outfit. Of course, that had devolved almost as soon as they’d gotten to the store. It was filled to the brim with all sorts of interesting things, from clothes, to shoes with the highest heels Maria had ever seen, to vibrators, to restraints, etc. etc. Maria had never seen so many things related to sex in one place.
A whole new world had opened for her when she’d met Rick, but she was still learning new things about it.
At first she’d started wandering the aisles until Olivia had pulled her over to the clothing. Then she’d been looking at the clothing, but had gotten distracted by a purple knobby vibrator on the shelf, and then from there she’d moved around the corner of the aisle to look at the realistic dildos, and then she’d just kept moving until she’d ended up where she currently was; surrounded by giant butt plugs called crazy names like “The Dominator” and “The Destroyer.” Okay, it wasn’t really called the Destroyer, but it might as well have been.
While she was willing to maybe try some anal stuff with Rick, this was so not inside her comfort zone. But it was kind of like a train wreck, she just couldn’t look away.
Angel grabbed her arm and tugged her out of the aisle. “Don’t worry, Rick’s not going to want to put anything like that in you, I promise.”
“He’d better not,” Maria muttered as she let Angel drag her over to Olivia and Hilary.
An hour later, Maria walked out of the store with several bags, all filled with clothing. She had a dress, two tops, and two skirts that were interchangeable, a corset (which she still wasn’t too sure she liked, mostly because she’d always liked breathing), and a pair of four inch heels—which were the shortest the store offered. It was, hands down, the sexiest stuff she’d ever bought. She couldn’t wait to show it to Rick.
For the first time in a while, Rick felt a little nervous as he bounded up the stairs to Maria’s apartment. They’d gotten pretty comfortable in each other’s spaces, easily interchanging whose place they stayed at. Even though they lived so close to each other, a lot of their things had started to travel. They both had a toothbrush at each apartment, Maria had a small case of extra makeup and hair things in his bathroom, and both of them had clothes in both closets.
Rick had found he rather liked seeing her things around his place. He liked he had his things in her place as well. He’d fallen for her. Hard. Probably since day one and his feelings were only getting stronger.
The intermingling of their lives gave him a sense of profound satisfaction and also of possessiveness. Now that they were going back to Stronghold, he felt it even more so. His nervousness about tonight came from the items he was carrying in a small bag.
He wasn’t really sure what Maria’s reaction was going to be, but he was hoping for a positive one.
When she opened the door he nearly said fuck Stronghold. Maria looked like a kinky wet dream come true. She was wearing a dark purple PVC dress wrapped lovingly around her curves that showed off every inch of her gorgeous cleavage. In fact, it looked like her breasts could easily pop out the top, which was really just two large triangles over each breast, connected to the dress on the bottom. All he’d have to do to access those beauties was pull down the straps.
Her hair was piled haphazardly onto the back of her head, a riot of curls, which made his fingers itch to tug it all down. The incredibly high heels she had strapped onto her feet made her legs look miles long, an effect enhanced by how very short the skirt of the dress was.
Rick looked her up and down, his cock already hardening in his pants. “You aren’t allowed to move more than two feet away from me,” he said, his voice sounding almost harsh. “All night.”
Maria giggled, her face lighting up as she curved her body slightly against the door, managing to look both shy and sexy with that one little movement. “Yes Sir.”
Groaning, Rick stepped into her apartment and pulled her to him, letting the door swing shut behind him so he could kiss the hell out of his gorgeous, sexy girlfriend. She kissed him back hungrily. He could feel the nervous tension in her body as he ran his hand down to her ass and cupped it. The skirt was so short his fingers easily curled underneath to touch bare skin and Maria shuddered against him.
“Enough of that,” he said, pulling away. “Or we’re not going to make it to the club.”
“Oh, we’re definitely going to the club,” Maria said mischievously, stepping back and running her hands up the sides of her dress, a look of supremely feminine satisfaction on her face. “I need to show off my new clothes.”
To his own surprise, he growled a bit under his breath at the idea of her wanting to show herself off. Maria just giggled.