Page 176 of Entering Stronghold

“She’s perfect,” Rick said, grinning as he snugged Maria’s soft curves against him, enjoying the weight of her in his arms. “Come on, let’s go sit down, she’s still pretty out of it.”

Fortunately the couch at the end of the hall was empty. Settling himself in the corner, Maria against him, Rick accepted the blanket Olivia got from the bin beside the couch. Maria made happy, contented murmuring noises as he tucked the blanket around her.

“Must have been intense,” Olivia commented. Rick snapped her a sharp look. For a second, he thought he heard a hint of envy in her voice, but if he had there was nothing of it on her face. Just a kind of professional interest and a bit of smugness.

“Very,” Rick said, feeling a kind of contented calm he’d never experienced after a scene before. He didn’t mind Olivia’s satisfied smile. He knew there was a good chance that without her and the other women, he and Maria might not be where they were now. “Where’s Patrick?”

Even though he preferred Olivia right now, he was surprised the big man hadn’t shown up yet, especially since he missed seeing Maria before the scene. Olivia smirked again.

“Still in his office. Lexie and Angel managed to rig a little surprise for him when he opened his door.”

“Bucket of water?” Rick asked, feeling slightly confused. That was the only prank he could think of, but it didn’t really make sense.

“Bucket of glitter. The herpes of the art world. He’s probably still trying to scrub it all off, but you just can’t get rid of that shit.”

Rick choked on a laugh. Holy shit... Patrick must be livid. There was also no way the man was showing himself in the club if he suspected there was one single speck of glitter left on his body. Good thing he had a private bathroom in the office of his or he’d really be SOL.

“Is she trying to get herself fired?”

“I don’t think that’s exactly the punishment she’s looking for,” Olivia said, her gray eyes glittering with amusement. Rick snorted. Poor Patrick. Poor Lexie. Even though he didn’t like the idea of her getting kinky, he couldn’t help but feel bad for her when she so obviously wanted in. Especially when the person she wanted in with was Patrick. Although, he was starting to think she and Patrick would actually make a pretty good couple.

He doubted her brother Jake would agree.

Wriggling movement brought his attention back to the woman in his arms, who was finally coming out of her sex-induced stupor.

“Rick?” her voice floated up as she pushed away from him, her face still flushed and eyes a bit unfocused.

“Hey sweetheart, welcome back to the world.”

“I—oh.” Catching sight of Olivia, Maria blushed, and her mouth snapped shut.

“Don’t mind me, I’m on my way out. I’ll see you around,” Olivia said, tipping Maria a wink as she pushed herself up from the couch. The Domme sauntered off down the hallway, leaving Rick and Maria curled up on the couch.

“So? How do you feel?” Rick tried to keep the smugness out of his voice, but he didn’t entirely succeed. But he was also entitled to some smugness. Not only had Maria proven to be both submissive and responsive to his needs, but that scene had been the most thrillingly intense one of his life. There was no way it hadn’t been the same for her.

“Good… um… very good.” Maria sighed and snuggled back down into his chest, letting him hold her.

Deciding to just enjoy the moment, Rick let her settle in, figuring she’d need a few minutes to gather herself. And in the meantime, he could just savor the feel of her against him, while telling his cock it was just going to have to wait.

Holy shit snacks on a popsicle stick.

She felt drunk. High. Okay, she’d never been high before, but this was what she imagined it felt like. Some of her friends in college had done ecstasy once and right now she kind of felt like that; all lovey and glowy and wanting to rub herself all over Rick. The clothes on her body felt restrictive and she wanted to just strip them all off and roll around on top of him like a cat. She felt so connected to him, like there was a special bond between them now.

And at the same time, there was a frightened little voice deep inside of her screaming what she was feeling wasn’t real.

Endorphins, adrenaline, all chemical reactions in her brain... but her body was still screaming at her that Rick was the perfect man and to never let him go. But how could she trust that feeling? How could she even begin to process what had just happened between them when she was on a physical and emotional overload?

Which made it the worst possible time for his next question.

“So sweetheart...” Something nuzzled the top of her head and she got the impression he was gently kissing her hair. Which just made tears spring into her eyes. Which was so unlike her. More proof that she was not entirely herself right now. “Want to do dinner tomorrow night and then maybe make our way back here? There’s a lot I’d like to show you.”

Her body thrilled, urging her to immediately say yes. But that small, logical part of her brain which wasn’t sure what to make of all these new experiences. That part thought she should wait until she wasn’t drunk on crazy, kinky, ridiculously satisfying sex to consider what should happen next between them. Even though her body was totally on board with the idea, deep down she knew she wanted more between them than a sexual relationship. And she wanted more than sex at the club… was it possible he only wanted her if he could have her here?

More thoughts and doubts began to fill her, dampening her high.

“Um... Can we talk about it tomorrow?” she asked, pressing her cheek against his shoulder as she clung to him. She could tell not all of her thoughts were making sense; she just didn’t feel lucid. Everything seemed kind of hazy and dream-like and she knew she shouldn’t make any firm decisions right now. “I just... I need to think.”

“Yeah... sure.”