Page 4 of Unnatural Fate

“I could kill her for touching you.” My chest heaved with the rage I barely contained.

“You know she means nothing.” A hint of a smile curled at the corners of his mouth. He loved this.

“What end do you see, baiting me to come here? Do you wish to torture me?” Part of me wished I could kill him like every other bloodsucker I met.

“I’m hoping you eventually give in again and touch me.” He closed the space between us, leaving us half an inch apart.

“If I were a weaker man, I’d make you ride my cock while I put a mark on you for every person you’ve had in this room over the last two years.”

“Do it.” He licked over his lips. “But you must surrender yourself to the same, my dear. Fair is fair.”

“I wouldn’t expect any less.” I got harder by the second.

He put a hand on my chest and walked me back toward the velvet sofa. “As long as you remember I still hate you.”

“The feeling is mutual, lover, and I plan to show you just how much I hate every single inch of you.”



Five Years Ago

Ifirst saw him standing far off in a clearing, and I knew what he was before his scent reached me. His spirit and essence were familiar. Like I’d known him my whole existence. The winds drew me closer. A magic forcing us together. A string tied between our chests.

I almost thought it was foresight, but he was too real. My visions were never this real or whole. They were always flashes.

He turned, facing the moon. It illuminated his face from the shadows. He was the most beautiful creature I’d ever laid eyes on. Cut from marble and shirtless. A light sheen of sweat glistened on his skin, and my mouth watered. Sex had always been a chore. A biological need to perform so the animal inside me could spread his seed, but I never took pleasure in it, and suddenly I understood why. I wasn’t attracted to women.

It was such an obvious realization. I should have known, but it had never occurred to me until I laid eyes on him.

He wasn’t one of my kind. That much I knew. Wolves could feel each other. We had a connection to the earth and our land. A wolf from another pack would have tripped all types of warning signs coming onto my land.

My movement caught his attention, and he looked at me. There wasn’t any fear. He stayed where he was, letting me approach. Was he human? I lifted my nose to the wind, but it blew in the wrong direction. He stared back with silver eyes. My brows pulled, a memory trying to fight its way to the surface, remaining just out of my grasp. My sleep-deprived mind wouldn’t put the pieces together.

Three days of no sleep might be excessive, even for a wolf. I needed more, but who had time.

I blinked, trying to bring the man into focus again. He tilted his head and took a step through the trees, bringing him further into the moonlight. Again, I was struck by how lovely he was. Truly. It wasn’t our connection speaking, either. There was a draw to him, but attraction had nothing to do with the animal parts of my brain.

“Wolf.” The word came laced with amusement.

The hair on the back of my neck rose, and my canines extended. “What are you?”

He laughed, deep and silky. Smooth like polished diamonds, as brilliant as he appeared in the moonlight. I imagined him in a suit, cut and refined, despite his shirtless form and the torn slacks he currently wore. What was he doing here, in the middle of the forest?

My forest.

“Something you’ve never seen and likely will never see again.” He was sure of himself, too. His tone conveyed as much. I added cocky and callous to my mental image.

“I think you’re wrong there.” Did he not know? Could he not feel the strings between us, drawing tighter with every step we took? Once a wolf saw his mate, there was no turning back.

I took a tentative step forward, curious what his reaction would be.

He held his ground. There was no fear there. Only amusement. I forced myself to square my shoulders out of the defensive curl my body had shifted into. His gaze flicked over me, appraising as much as I was.

“You…” His lip curled, edging toward a smile.
