“So, tell me about these ‘hotties,’” she says, using my term instead of the way she worded it, taking the conversation in a new direction.

As asked, I describe the attractive men in great detail, while leaving out one important fact—who they were—and by the time we’ve finished speaking, my tummy’s rumbling for lunch.

I offer to stay and eat, but Sara sends me home for a quick break before she has to leave, and when I walk in the door, Jesse and Pippa are watching a movie.

On opposite ends of the coach.

In silence.

My sister is the queen of PDA. I’ve even seen her attempt it with Jesse, so I think it’s safe to say they’re fighting again. Or broken up.Although, wouldn’t they tell me that?

Pip’s eyes meet mine as I move into the kitchen, and she smiles, giving me a quick wave, while Jesse pretends I don’t exist. And after our conversation this morning, that doesn’t surprise me.

“I’m making lunch. Have you both eaten?”

“I’ve eaten,” Jesse says at the same moment Pippa asks for food.Did Jesse go out? Alone? Why didn’t he wait for Pippa?

I make a chicken salad while trying to tell myself I’m not over here analyzing their relationship. But of course, I am.And when they both start chuckling, I can’t help but look over, wanting to see why.

Pippa stretches her foot out to poke Jesse’s thigh, and her eyes lock on the side of his face, waiting for a reaction.As do I.When he looks her way, his laughter turns into a knowing smirk, causing my insides to churn.

God, maybe I’m seeing what I want to see?

After handing Pippa her bowl, I head back to work to eat mine, feeling like an outsider in my own home. And for the first time in forever, I actually wish that someone would notice.

I’m once again lost in my new designs when the bell chimes above the door, signaling our first customer for the afternoon. Lifting my head, I smile in preparation, but startle slightly when I see who it is.

Alex looks around the store as he confidently glides my way, his eyes raking over the shelves before finally settling on me.“Willow. We meet again.”

“Alex, hi. I didn’t know you were staying around.” Hopeful thinking on my part. I’d assumed he’d be heading home today like most out-of-towners.

Alex playfully shakes his head. “I’m heading home Monday. I’ve got some business here that I need to attend to.”

His words seem innocent enough, but the way he says them is a little unnerving, like he’s not referring to actual business, but something else.

“Great," I say, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach, offering him a smile. "It’s a wonderful time to be here. How can I help you?”

Flattening his palm on the counter, Alex stretches his fingers out to where my hands rest next to the till. “I was actually looking for you,” he says with a flirtatious grin. “I was hoping to catch you without your bulldog boyfriend.”

“He’s not my boyfriend,” I protest too quickly.

“That’s right.” Alex grins. “He’s yoursister’sman. Doesn’t act like it though.”

Ugh, another wave of guilt hits me, and I almost sarcastically thank Alex for bringing it up when I had somehow forgotten it for five minutes. I should leave his comment alone, but I find myself defending Jesse without really thinking about how that might look. “They’re both just protective of me,” I say with a shrug, moving my hand away and stepping back.

“Understandable,” Alex says with a terse nod.


“It’s understandable,” he repeats. “After what happened.”

“What happened?” I squeak out, though I have a feeling I know what he’s about to say.

“I may have asked about you." He smiles apologetically, but it’s almost as fake as my own. "What can I say, I’m interested.” He pauses. “Especially with the way everyone in this town seems to be constantly keeping an eye on you.” He pauses again, and I have to wonder if it’s intentional. “Anyway, it didn’t take long to discover that you went through something big a few years back, and that you’ve been pretty guarded ever since.”

Jesus, I want to tell him to mind his own goddamn business, but I’m curious how much he knows. “Okay. Did you find out what it was?”

“I found outeverything.”