“I thought Pippa was doing this?” she continues with attitude, making me pause.She knows Pippa?Of course she fucking does. It’s a small town.
I’m about to throw her another smart-ass response when the guilt hits me and I think of my friend—girlfriend—and how I’m supposed to be making a good impression on these people.
“Ah…Pippa is currently indisposed, so I’m helping her out, as afavor.”You know. Like you are.
The florist—who isn’t really a florist but will remain a florist in my mind until I can forget her—frowns.“Indisposed? Is she okay?”
“She’s fine,” I stupidly reassure her. “Just a mild case of food poisoning.”
A hint of a smile tugs at her lips, drawing my attention there just as she bites down on the pink flesh.Well, that’s not a very sweet reaction.My length twitches in my jeans, and I inwardly curse myself, holding back a groan. This better not be a fucking problem.It’s just a week. I can get through a week without using my dick.
“God, Pippa will eat anything.” She laughs and I almost choke on my tongue until I realize she’s not talking about my cock. I’m the only one with the uncharacteristically dirty thoughts.
“I guess it’s nice of you to help,” she continues. “Even if you are all moody about it. Thank you. Tell her I’ll have this taken care of and ready to go for Friday.”
After brushing some hair behind her ears, “the florist” smiles, lighting up her mesmerizing features. And while I want to argue, all I can do is stare back at her, completely stunned, waiting for my brain to rewire itself.
When I’m finally able to snap out of it, I clear my throat and take a step back, nodding as I do.
“Well, it’s been a pleasure,”I say sarcastically, though it’s not a complete lie.
Even so, I turn on my heel and make a dash for the door, suddenly needing air more than I’ve ever needed it in my life, and that’s saying something.
I’m so fucked.
Chapter Seven
Myreluctantsaviorturnsto leave, and I expel a silent breath. My body sags to the counter, narrowly missing the wire he practically threw my way.
A memory of last night hits me and I shiver. I’ve felt attraction, but that was something else. Like a slap to the face, or… No, that’s not right. Whatever that was took over my entire body, like all my senses were misfiring, and I have never experienced anything like that before. And because it felt like I had no control over my actions, I never want to feel it again.
Especially afterthatlittle interaction.
Last night, this man was a stranger. A stranger that had my frozen heart slamming against my chest for reasons I can’t even begin to understand. But today… Today he’s an asshole, and if I had money to spare, I’d wager he’s also Pippa’s boyfriend. And while I should play nice, he’s pushed me too far for that.
“Wait!” I call out as I stalk toward him, my eyes burning a hole in his back. He stills, but doesn’t immediately turn around. “Just because you’re some kind of hockey star,” I grate as I reach him, “doesn’t mean you get to be an ass. And—”
My words cut off when he finally spins, smirking, in a manic kind of way, until he sees how close I am, and the smile falls from his face. I almost falter, but I hold strong. “Just because you’re famous doesn’t mean you get to bring yourfoulmood with you to Hepburn Falls. People around herewon’tstand for rudeness.”
His eyebrows rise slowly as his gaze rakes over my entire body, working his way from my bare legs to my flushed face. And if looks could kill…
“Is that why you walk around with thatfakeinnocent thing you’ve got going on?” he asks with a venom in his voice I’m not used to, making me shiver. “Because I’m here to tell you,”—he takes the slightest step forward until he’s close enough that my personal space feels invaded—“I saw right through that bullshit facade within seconds of you opening your mouth.”
My heart races, as my eyes bounce between his, noting his intense stare. And despite the butterflies creating havoc in my chest, I put on the sweetest smile possible, brush my thick wavy hair behind my ears, and nod. “My sincere apologies,” I say in a voice coated in sugar, just like Dorothy fromWizard of Oz. “I shouldn’t have been so awful to you considering how you saved me last night.”
The big brawny hockey star—who I’m going to assume is Jesse, since he didn’t correct me—narrows his eyes, clearly not buying into my kind nature. And he’d be right. I’m usually a pro at keeping up the good girl charade, but this morning has been a shit show, not to mention, I’m still thrown by the way my body reacted to this man. That alone is enough to explain why my mask failed me.
Taking a step toward him, until we’re almost flush, I pat his arm condescendingly and let out a soft giggle. The challenging look instantly drops from his face, and he moves out of my reach, running a hand through his already mussed hair.Of course, it’s lush and sexy hair, making it hard not to be attracted to him despite his unfortunate attitude problem.
“You know what?” he says, pulling me from my leering. “Let’s forget it all. Anyone would have done the same. I bumped into you; I caught you. It’s done. Time to move on. I’ll see you around.”
What? I was only getting started.
“Goodbye, B… Florist,” he yells with a wave over his head, andwhat the hell?