Cupping her face with my spare hand, I guide her lips to mine as a wave of reverence shoots through me, before it’s replaced by the sting of reality. I want Willow more than I’ve ever wanted anything, including hockey. But having her comes at such a high price.Can I really ask her to pay it?
Willow moans against my mouth, and I forget all of life’s problems. Like always, she sucks me in and the outside world ceases to exist, so all I see is her. All I ever want to see is her.
“Willow, I—”
A loud knock echoes through the room as someone, likely Pippa, pounds on the door. Our lips part, but neither of us move away.
“I don’t want to know the answer,” Pippa calls out, confirming my thoughts and making Willow hiss in annoyance. “But Jesse, if you’re in there…the bridge is open.”
I suck in a breath before silence falls on the room. The bridge is open. It’s time for goodbye.
And there is no way in hell that I’m ready for that.
Chapter Forty-Four
Jesse’sthefirsttobreak through our quiet cocoon, and with a featherlight touch, he runs a single finger down my cheek before his hand falls away. “I want to stay…” he rasps, and I can see the truth to his words in his broken expression.
“But you can’t,” I finish for him, lifting the sheet to cover myself again as if it can shield me from the hurt coming my way.
“God, this feels like a shitty excuse, but I have obligations this weekend and preseason starts soon. And…”
“I know. Plus, it’s only been a week, so—”
“Nope,” he says, cutting me off with a finger to my lips. “Don’t ruin the moment. Don’t lessen this,” he adds, a small smile playing at his lips as he throws my words back at me. “I don’t know where we go from here. But let’s talk, okay?”
“Now?” I stupidly ask. Or maybe it’s hopeful, because things being left unsaid is my own personal hell. The sound of his silence is so much worse than any words he could possibly say to me. But before Jesse even starts shaking his head, I know that’s not what he meant.
“After we’ve had a chance to think about what we want,” he says, his brows furrowing. “Afteryou’vehad a chance to think things through.”
He doesn’t have to spell it out. I know he’s still hiding something. The thing is, I meant what I said—it’s my heart to risk, and while it scares the hell out of me to think about him breaking it, it’s a better option than never knowing what might have been.
There’s too much in my life that I’ll never know, too much time that I’ll never get back. And I can’t knowingly put myself through that again.
“Does that mean I can have your number?” I ask, flashing him a grin, needing to step away from the heavy for a second.
Jesse chuckles before pressing a kiss to my forehead. “Yeah, I guess that can be arranged.”
I could have stayed in bed all day, delaying the inevitable, but Jesse was up and ready within minutes of Pippa giving him the news. And I don’t entirely blame him. As he said, he’s got commitments this weekend. I’d imagine it’s been stressful enough, and he still has a long drive ahead of him.
Taking my time in the bathroom, I walk into the kitchen just as Pippa drops a bomb. “We’re staying for a couple more days.”
“What?” Jesse and I say at the same time.
“I need to explain everything to Mom and Dad, and I should do it in person.”
My eyes flash to Ryan’s, expecting to see some kind of apprehension, but he shocks me by nodding. “I owe it to Pippa to be here for it. I’ve bailed before, and I’m not going to do it again.”
He obviously likes her if he’s willing to feed himself to the wolves, but I hope he’s doing it knowing all the facts.
“And where are you staying while all that’s happening?” I ask, already knowing the answer.
Pippa bats her eyelashes as she smiles my way. “My baby sister’s?”
That’s all I need while I mope around. “Of course.”
When Jesse’s packing the car, Pippa sidles up next to me, concern etched in her features. “Are you okay? Did—”