With my focus back on the list, I cross the street and find the location I need—Hepburn Hardware. All I have to do is collect some wire and drop it off at Lucia’s Florist. Seems simple enough and yet…what the fuck am I doing?

Task one wasnotsimple. While the rest of the list was easy enough and the wire collection was fine, the damn florist has had a “back in five minutes” sign posted across the door for three fucking hours. That’s all I have left. Drop the stupid wire and I’m free.

I’ve been waiting so long, I actually contemplate having a third beer as I sit in the bar across the street, watching the door like a stalker. Instead, I remain focused, desperate to keep myself distracted so my mind doesn’t drift back to the blonde from last night. So I don’t think about the way her breath hitched, or the way her eyes shone in the moonlight. The way she felt in my arms, or the way my heart slammed in my chest, begging for release.Dammit!Hurry the fuck up, florist.Sitting here alone with my thoughts is dangerous. It can’t beher, and yet, considering where we are…it really fucking can be.

Head in the game, Jesse. Think of the task.Wire. Florist. Family dinner. Party. Clinic. Done. Simple. I can do it.I can do it.

I’m staring so intently at the florist now that when movement catches my eye, I startle, almost losing my footing as I jump up. Grabbing the table, I physically stop myself from racing right over, and expel a deep breath.About fucking time.

Settling my tab, I adjust my cap low on my head and check for traffic, making sure to avoid another incident, before jogging across the street. I want this over with, and yet, as I reach the entry, I pause. I’ve jiggled this handle so many times that my cock’s jealous of the attention, and I’m not sure I can take another rejection. If I find the door locked, I can’t be held responsible if I “accidentally” break the adjoining window, using the wire they so desperately needed.

Reaching out slowly, I palm the warm steel and press down, sucking in a breath as I do. When the latch clicks open, I audibly sigh in relief. I’m more than ready to rid myself of this bullshit.Do they really need all this crap?

Just like at the inn, and every other shop I’ve walked into today, a bell chimes as I enter, further cementing my foul mood.

The inside looks more like a garden center than a florist, with overhanging potted plants and creepers covering every wall. There are a few bunches of flowers sitting on stands along the walkway, but that’s the only part of the space that resembles the florists I’ve seen.Not that I visit them regularly. Or at all.

“Hello! Anyone here?”I call out as I duck under some low-lying ivy, making my way toward the back.

Of course, no one answers.Does this shop even want business?

Dropping the wire on the counter, I watch as it bounces a few times before running my hands down my face. With clenched teeth, I bark out another “hello” and wait for a response, reminding myself this is a small town, not the ever bustling San Francisco. Things work differently around here and—

“Won’t be a moment,” a soft voice rushes out, cutting off my thoughts, immediately drawing my attention.That voice.I stare at the door, waiting anxiously to see who walks through. Hoping like hell it’s not her, while at the same time, knowing with every fiber of my being that it is.

And I’m right.

The woman from last night brushes her hands over her simple white dress as she steps through the threshold, and I feel like I’ve been gut punched. My heart leaps into my throat as my body tenses, her presence amplifying my dark frame of mind. She’s here, standing in front of me, and I don’t like it. I need to leave.

“It’s been one of those days,” she continues, still busying herself, giving me a chance to watch her in silence while my mind explodes.

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I…” Her eyes meet mine and she freezes. “Oh, hi,” she says with a warm smile. A smile that makes her more beautiful than I’ve ever imagined her in my mind, something I don’t need to be noticing right now.

A burning anger consumes me as I push the past out of my head and stare her down, focusing on the fact that she’s the florist that’s been wasting my time,nothing more.

“Hi? That’s it?” Her brows rise in surprise, but I ignore it, determined to continue my rant. “You’ve been closedallmorning, claiming you’d be back infive minutes, and you greet me with a hi. I just need you to take this shit off my goddamn hands so I can be done with it.”And you. And this nightmare.

I huff as I finish my outburst before exaggeratedly pushing the wire in her direction. I expect her to huff back or at least get flustered, but her smile turns apologetic and she nods.

“I’m terribly sorry. I don’t actually work here. I’m just here as a favor to the owner.” She shrugs before her smile falters. “The owner who went into labor while out for afive-minutebreather. Hence the sign.” Her voice rises slightly toward the end and my eyes narrow, seeing through her sweet disposition. I’m guessing she wants to yell at me. Actually no, I’m not guessing, Iknow.Because it’s her.

Shaking off my thoughts, I cross my arms over my chest, and obnoxiously sigh. “How—”

“I’ve just got to make sure all this is correct, and then you can be on your way,” she says, her sugar-coated tone back in place. “But is there anything else I can help you with?”

“Yeah, I want my three hours back,” I mumble, a little shocked that she’s still maintaining her warm composure. It makes me want to push her a little, to see if I’m right about her.

“I feel your pain,” she replies sweetly and my jaw drops. “My morning—”

“I don’t give a… I don’t care about your morning,” I lie, because for some fucking reason I actuallydowant to hear the undoubtedly soft rant about her day, and that pisses me off even more. “Just check the damn wire so I can leave.” I know I’m being harsh, but I’m suddenly desperate to see if I can make her snap.

“Yes, of course. This piece is—”

“I don’t need a play-by-play. Justdoit.”

“Jesus! Are you always such an ass?” she yells, her eyes briefly widening, making me almost smile.I knew it.

But fuck… It really is her.